There's only two genders

There's only two genders.

Prove me wrong.

>Protip: You can't.

>Pic: New meme. Found it here:

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Gender != Sex

Sex is binary and biological (XX or XY)
Gender is a societal classification.

Bearded lesbian here, this is a good thread, 10/10. Pic unrelated.

xxy you dumb faggot. get a girlfriend u virgin.

i stand with fucked up tranny shit....

I wouldn't like to be the grandchild of Tsar Nicholas II, but that's just me.


>prove me wrong
prove yourself right then.
Point is, we know so little about the human brain, that any of this shit is basically just retards yelling "I'm right" to each other.

Anatomy proves it by itself.

it doesn't though.
Sure, it's pretty easy to determine someones sex, and even that isn't strictly male/female. There are multiple weird disorders where someone can be born intersex.
And there's no real proof to suggest that if you're born male/female, that your brain isn't fucked in some weird way to make you feel differently.
All I'm saying is that science has yet to pin point most of this shit, so people on both sides are totally sure that they are right are actually fucking stupid.

meant to reply to

You said it, it's caused by disorders, it isn't normal.

>so people on both...
Well, i'm fucking stupid then.

But i'm sure that i'm male 'cause I was born with a good dick that proves it.

You couldn't be the grandchild of Tsar Nicholas II because the entire Romanov family was killed during the Russian Revolution

Bad post OP

OP Here, i have college now and i have to leave but: This one isn't mine. Anyways, cya.

>You said it, it's caused by disorders, it isn't normal.
yeah, it's not normal, but that's like saying that heterosexuality is the only real sexuality because homosexuality isn't really "normal".
Point is, even if the weird gender things (if they even exist) are caused by some disorders, they're still real.

>Well, i'm fucking stupid then.
that's what I was implying tbh

>But i'm sure that i'm male 'cause I was born with a good dick that proves it.
sure, but that's not evidence for how the whole human race works. Your subjective experience of the world is not proof.

It's not subjective to say "Oh, I have a dick, therefore I am male" That's using empirical evidence to reach an objective conclusion.

If having a dick means that I am a male, and I so happen to have a dick, then I am male. This is a fact, not one of your subjective gender fee-fees.

There are only two genders***

Maybe you should focus on your basic English skills first!

see you're implying that having a dick = being male.
and from a sex point, yeah, that's true.
But the whole feeling of being male vs female doesn't come from you having a dick, it comes from your brain, and we know very little about the brain.
If having a dick was totally equal to feeling like you're actually male, then there would not be people who say that they feel like they're born in the wrong body. Since there are those people, it's logical to assume that maybe that feeling doesn't actually come from people using "empirical evidence" to come to the conclusion that they are a certain gender.

You keep bringing up that phrase, "We know so little about the brain..." like it's some kind of winning argumentative piece; You're acting like the pigeon on a board of chess.

When in actuality, we know enough about the brain to make sense of this entire situation.

With a dick, more often than not, comes with a pair a testicles, which produce Testosterone. Likewise, with a female, a vagina comes with a pair of ovaries that produce Estrogen.

These two chemicals are spread throughout the body and mold it to that person's sex. This gives the feeling of "male" and "female"

Now, that "feeling" can be disrupted in the situation that there is a chemical imbalance. If a person has less testosterone then he usually does, then he will feel unbalanced. He won't have that male feeling and will naturally think that his isn't a man.

This is what leads to Gender Identity Disorder; He begins to think that he is a woman, when that isn't reality.

Do you have any source for the claim that testosterone gives the feeling of "male" and estrogen the feeling of "female"?
If you do, then I would genuinely like to read that, because if that's the case, then yeah, I might agree with you, but tbh, I've never heard this logic before, and also this would imply that gender identity disorder could be cured with testosterone/estrogen treatment, which, again, I've heard nothing about.

male , female , herm , lack of gender like bee worker
And yes, Gender Identity Disorder can be cured by testosterone and Estrogen treatment. It's common in the Transgender community in which one will undergo HRT, or Hormone Replacement Therapy. Basically, during this treatment, a person will receive a hormone in which they are lacking (i.e. hormonal imbalance)

neither of the pages say anything about gender or feeling like a man/woman.
Also HRT is usually what transgender people do when they want to look more like the gender they "identify" as. I haven't heard of people using HRT as a cure for GID.

Either your trolling or you're an illiterate twat.
Check that Estrogen page one more time:

"When your body makes too much or too little estrogen, it can create problems. Women who have low estrogen levels may have a lessening of menstruation. They may also experience symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, insomnia and low libido. (((Mood swings))) and dry skin are also a problem. High estrogen levels can cause weight gain and menstrual changes, as well as a worsening of PMS symptoms. Cysts in the breasts and fibroids in the uterus can also happen."

The info graphic even goes on to say that it affects the brain when there is a lack of estrogen.

The page on testosterone says the same thing, stating that early symptoms of testosterone imbalance can cause a change in feelings.

And logically using HRT cures GID as once you can identify as the gender you (((feel))) is what you truly are, you lose the sense that you are a gender that you aren't, which is, in essence, what GID is all about.

yeah, no shit hormones affect the brain, and can cause mood swings in general.
That's not what you were arguing for though.
You were arguing that hormones can cause the specific feeling of being male/female.
Mood swings is broad term, and it in no way proves that testosterone/estrogen causes feelings of being male/female.

Mood swings cause a change of feelings which can in turn cause a change of feelings in the idea of being male or female. This is only logical, and the facts in the source solidify this statement.

GID is caused by an imbalance of hormones in the body, and the imbalance can lead to changes in feelings which can lead one to ponder whether or not they are male or female.

This is exactly what I was arguing. Don't blame me because you can't get a point through that thick skull of yours, buddy.

>Mood swings cause a change of feelings which can in turn cause a change of feelings in the idea of being male or female.
again, this is in no way proof.
Yes, hormones affect the way people feel, and yes it's possible that GID is caused by hormone inbalance, but what you posted is in no way PROOF that that's the case.
Mood swings can be anything from feeling depressed, to feeling manic, to feeling angry, to any other kind of change in mood.

And that's kinda the key word here, mood.
Mood is not the same thing as feeling male/female.

And again, yes, it's possible that hormone imbalance is the cause of this shit, but it's in no way proven yet, and that's what I meant when I said that we don't know enough about the brain to be able to say with any certainty what the cause for all this shit is.



genetic fuckup. doesn't count.

basically what I'm saying is that your source was only proof that hormones affect peoples moods, which I never claimed to be false. What I want source for, is that these mood swings can somehow affect the general feeling of being male/female, which I've yet to see any proof for.

Shut up you fucking snowflake.

Needs more jpeg

When you realise that the cut on the left was the Faggot cut of the 1900s

Hermaphrodites prove you wrong then.

It's no longer referred to as a disorder by the APA or the WHO. Get with the times, outdated info faggot.

>There's only two genders.
The only way that i could care about this is if i was a insecure faggot about my sexuality otherwise that won't change shit on my life so i leave it to the faggots themselves


>gender is a society classification

Everything in society usually serves a purpose, inventing something to make you look like you are special is just a sign of the retardation...

And as a millennial I can say this is just trendy because we are the best on being retards.

So if it is a society classification, I as a part of society can choose whether I accept or not, without further repercussion, simply because it is a made up ideia, which in my point of view is useless

Hope you get it now faggot.

Girl in the left is hot. Girls with slightly hairy armpits are my fetish.

aww why'd you have to go away, you're not fun.

You fucking idiots, everyone can interpret life as whatever the fuck you want....

There is no such thing as "feeling as a woman"

If you do feel you probably need a psychologist to rewire your brain properly

For further explaining
You can make up whatever you want, but your sex is assigned by your DNA and your genitalia.

It does not matter if you feel some way, you are just a variant of your sex, but you still belong to your sex whatsoever...

There is not a "feel like a man" because this does not exist, the "act" of being a man it is based on what society think a man should be.


>Caring so much about what other people believe about themselves that you have to argue about it on Sup Forums for no reason whatsoever.

>pretending to be such a superior person, that he does not even care what is trendy in society

My god, you are sooo cool

right, and you're ignoring the point that we're not arguing sex, we're arguing gender.
Gender is literally what you feel you are. That's why there are transgender people, a man can feel like he should be a woman, and you saying that his sex is that of a man doesn't change his feelings. That's what we're arguing - feelings.

So you saying it doesn't matter what you feel like is just you saying "I don't care about this discussion" but for some reason you feel the need to point out how much you don't care.

No you did not understand, as I said
The classification of gender is just useless in a society, it serves no purpose, and it is something entirely made up

I am attacking the entire validity of the term gender... I fully understand the difference betwen sex and gender

And thinking you are a woman when you are a man is called gender dysphoria a mental disease.

You should get a psychologist and get a proper treatment...

This whole concept you guys are pushing is harmful to a society, people are losing the grip of reality


Nothing cool or superior about simply not getting heated up over what other people are doing with their lives when it has no significant effect on me.

Everything has a significant effect in the future... Some people just care enough other don´t

By the way, why do you even care...

I kinda get what you're saying, but what we were arguing over was basically just what causes gender dysphoria, and if there are more weird psychological mental diseases that could cause feeling like you have some other weird gender.

Also the discussion often focuses on whether or not we should accept these people as them being a different gender or not.
Basically if they feel like they're a female, should we tell them that no, you're actually a male who's sick and you should get help, or we should say that yeah, you feel like that and it's ok.
If gender dysphoria was easily cured, then yeah, this would not be an issue, but (at least for now) it's not something that you can change, so that's where the arguing comes from imo.

ohh now I see your point as well

Well the brain is a fully plastic organ

so it definitely can be changed(as to homossexualism as well)

But you are right, we don´t have the means to do it

But accepting as something normal may instigate several problems in the future

>But accepting as something normal may instigate several problems in the future
How so?