I have 8 days to do an online course that was meant to take all semester

I have 8 days to do an online course that was meant to take all semester

How fucked am I?

how many sections are there for it? do you know anyone who finished it? maybe they can help you

na, op is fine


It doesn't matter how much time you have, but how you use it, and how smart/well-read on the subject you are.

That being said, start today or you're fucked.

There are like 50, I'm told each takes an hour. I don't know anybody


i did 9 papers in a week once for comm 2

how long were they? (fuck your /thread)

Too easy..

Rip OP ;-;

all papers had to be 3000 words minimum. had all semester to do them since all were do at end

dude, calculate how much time do you need. if it was like 4 hours per week you can still take it easy and wait until you have 2 days, if not maybe you can sleep like 2 hours per day

192 hours to do your shit.
just blast through all 50 in one 2 day sit and figure out how you will kill yourself later.

Don't sweat it bro, just play minecraft on youtube, you'll make enough money to retake it.

I did that for government, my life became government for that week, I drank a shit-ton of caffeine and studied all day everyday.

>take adderall
>do course

Probably not that fucked if you start now and focus for a few days. Most classes are designed to borderline spoon feed the subject matter to you over a long period of time. Now, if you're at the masters/doctorate level, I'd say you're fucked royally. Good luck OP.

This. OP put your dick to the meat grinder for a few days and stop bitching.

Do not try to complete the course chronologically. Skim through the content, making a quick list of the assignments and what they're worth of your final grade, and also looking closely enough to give each assignment a difficulty ranking (from, say, 1-5). Use this list to prioritize assignments, starting with the easiest thing that is worth the largest % of your grade, and moving down to the more difficult/less useful things. Do as much as you can, but don't lose sleep. Eat healthy. Break by taking walks.

these will fix your situation op

This man speaks the true true

Alright I better get going, time is precious

I wrote an 11,000 word philosophy dissertation in 3 days, and got 68/100
I'm retarded for doing it but I did it

I once completed a buddy of mine's AP Chemistry online course in the span of a single weekend. So it's doable.
He got in a bad wreck and was in the hospital for months, he wasn't going to graduate unless he completed all his courses online. He sucked at chemistry like most people, I was that weird kid that liked to do chemistry experiments at home. He offered to pay me, so I did it. Ended up declining the money(and pain pills), because he was a good guy. His family even made a point to thank me come graduation.
Point is, you might not be able to do it. But you might know someone who can.

Also, it was hell. Took me 16 hours each day, and a lot of amphetamines. Turned in the last test with 3 min to spare. Final grade was a 76 as I skipped a lot of assignments. But he passed, and since it was AP it actually counted as a B to his GPA.

Also, what is your course on?

Fake and gay

Or else you're a modern day hero.

if he had been in an accident he wouldnt of failed the class since the college would of allowed him a refund or to retake next semester unless this was the shittiest college in the country

It was high school, notice the AP. (Advanced Placement, it weighs more for you GPA. Not sure if it's common where you're at.)

And hey, I guess I am a modern day hero. Never thought about it that way until now. But seriously, believe it or not, it doesn't bother me. It was one of the few non-shitty things I did in high school that I'm actually proud of.

oh high school. sorry on phone and didnt read right