Hello it's me, Jesus Christ. It's the second coming and it's taking the form of me visiting Sup Forums's Sup Forums

Hello it's me, Jesus Christ. It's the second coming and it's taking the form of me visiting Sup Forums's Sup Forums
Any questions you have about life, the universe, anything will be anwered.



What is John Podesta's credit card information

>You aint shit without your dad pussy

no joke

Why do you chose that gay ass Warnar Sallman portrait and not some dope as fuck El Greco?

How can a towel get wetter whilst also drying. HOW? As the son of god i demand an answer.

wrong. boring thread is boring.

What product do you use for your hair

it absorbs the water that was on you, baiter

THATS KIKE JESUS, BTFO KIKE JESUS. We celebrate the saved here only

>eat shit nigga

because fuck you

Fuck off JC. I'll be in heaven long enough to be judged and that's time enough to atleast get a punch or two in. I'll see you then nigger.

what color is your skin?

can confirm
jesus hates kikes

>hey old newz, there's a new happening in town


Check it

and who is that?


Is it gay if you fuck a trap?

You'll go to hell.

Its the frog you know you know about the frog right new fag

Fuck off nigger. I'm asking Jesus.

WOW. I never knew that. Next you will be telling me this guy isnt really Jesus. Im so glad we have people like you on Sup Forums. You are a shinning light of clarity.

I am Jesus you faggot.
And that's Mr.Nigger to you.

That is fucking brutal, im trying not to get tri.... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

What, that autistic NEET Kek?
Haha, you worship that friendless basement-dweller?

Hitler was right, right?
I already know the answer is yes I just want confirmation

Yes, except he didn't finish the job.

Thank you Jesus.
But I know youre kidding; the Holocaust clearly never happened. The "death camps" weren't meant to be mass-extermination camps

>the internet waking up
its possible theorectically

So Jesus if I fart in a jar and close it it's a Chamber. So does that make it a GAS CHAMBER???