This nigger came to his wife's school in San Bernardino, shot his wife, shot himself, and shot 2 kids in the process...

This nigger came to his wife's school in San Bernardino, shot his wife, shot himself, and shot 2 kids in the process, killing one 8 year old.

The MSM is going to construe this as a gun problem.

It is not a gun problem.

It is a nigger problem.


shitposting on Sup Forums will fix your problem surely

It's a fact that niggers without guns commit fewer gun murders, though.

white people do one of these every 2 days. blacks do it once a year and you guys are like "seeee!"


^^lol every day robber shooting with naggers

>white guys massacre school children on a weekly basis

>black guy does it

Given the location I thought it would be beaners. Were the two kids chosen at random?


He asked for volunteers but when none came forward he chose them at random.

Kids were behind the lady.

>Niggers give a FUCK about laws telling them they can't have one
Top kek m80

Religious problem as well. Dude was religious and that is as bad of a mental problem as they get.

If niggers ran United airlines

its a domestic abuse problem, which is disproportionately a black problem. he killed her because she left him. the kids that got shot were probably hit by stray bullets.

>missing the point


It is not a gun problem. I agree with you on this

Race has nothing to do with it either however. Think of how many times this same thing has happened with a crazy white guy shooting up a school. Bad people do bad things regardless of their race

Oh, yeah, people preparing to commit murder take the law into account.

>I think I want to murder my wife and some kids
>wait guns are illegal

>Terribly sorry, I came here for an argument; but this is abuse

To be fair, most school shootings in recent history have been perpetrated by whites.

This. Fuck organized religion.

Not an argument

>no it isn't!


if guns weren't available, would he have done the same thing with a crossbow? or a spear? or a machete?

the nigger problem is amplified by the use of guns.


>found the nigger

Niggers make up for us white peoples public shootings, with gang violance, Chinks make up with their suicides.

All the races equal out in the end.

It's obviously a gun problem. It's clear that not just anyone should have access to a gun. Most gun owners (legally/illegally) have no training, and in a lot of cases do not have the emotional stability to responsibly own one.If you disagree you're either stupid, or you're just kidding yourself.

The problem is we need to control who has the better. It doesn't matter what you have a pistol can kill as well as an AR and most of your targets won't be far enough or be wearing body armor so restrictions on the kind of firearm you have are fucking ridiculous. I love my p320 but it really wasn't hard for me to get it. There needs to be a check up and better vetting process. Those who have the means to end a life with the ease of a firearm should be screened for mental health and potential environmental risk.


>Turned gun on self
Woah that's some seriously big shooting error. How the fuck did he manage that?