Post salads - last one 404'd

Post salads - last one 404'd

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We had a good run, good night.

wwhy post a source of saldads?

>for som reason i think that teaks all the fun ouuta this.

Go fuck yourself newfag op salad faggot.
You dags are the worst. Kys

Look; salad works

It's just.... Not the same as people eating salad :/

Ive never been so disgusted by a group of internet faggots than you stupid useless assholes who think its so fucking stimulating and humerous to post pictures of people holding salad and grinning like stupid idiots!!
How simple could you be to be amused by something so retarded as a salad and some pointless genaric smile conspired together by corporate execufaggots.
You people should all kill your selves so you dont expect the rest of us to laugh at your low level sense of humor.

salad, checked

You seem tense. Salad has a calming effect....try one

You have a point. Feel free to adapt the theme as this is still on topic

I've had enough salad for the night. Maybe tomorrow?

Fair enough. This was only started ironically as the last one reached post and image limit.

Mind you: it has rustled a couple of irrelevant, semi-literate millennials, so it's served a purpose

>TFW you'll never know salad is OC or old meme

OP from last thread here.
I'm glad we did this. I still can't tell if it was actual newfags getting unitentionally trolled or if it was being perpetuated by oldfags as bait for us to just feed off each other. Either way it's made me reimagine what "fresh content" really is. It's a nice heap of salad.

Also got this great copy pasta from it too

Is this why Andy Sixx drops so many logs of shit? Is this all going to tie in with Andy Sixx?

Andy Sixx eats salad and shits a lot

sigh...summer gets closer everyday.

I just can't believe how you guys are gay.

Who the hell eats salad alone? With no meat?

Only pre-menstrual bitches eat salad, cause they have high estrogen levels.

Pussies everywhere. Even here. Sigh.

>Is this all going to tie in with Andy Sixx?
No. This is the exact opposite of Andy Sixx. Andy Sixx epitomises exactly what has gone wrong with Sup Forums.

Trying just a tad too hard - you nearly pulled it off



im here from the past OP, ive come here to tell you that what you're doing is the lords work! People will understand someday!

German Wurstsalat


looks aiit