Guys, I had sex with a trap a while back

Guys, I had sex with a trap a while back.

Now I'm feeling like something is enlarged or pushing on the side where the liver is. My poops are good and I eat well, but I'm super afraid ya'll think I got hiv or hepatitis or something or am I just tripping?

Never again btw. Too paranoid.

>go to doctor
>get blood tests
>now you know you have hepatitAIDS
>kill self

problem solved

That's what I'm afraid of. Too afraid to go get tested.
>kill self
But then what happens?

Yeah just go in for a check up
If poor-amerifag go to your local health deptartment.. tell them you've been sleeping around and you're afraid to bring home anything to your wife
Only costs you $5-$10

I know a lot of ex heroin addicts with hepatitis.. they always act like they're gonna die soon (they've been acting this way for over 20 years)
Hepititis/hiv are really treatable not really worth "an hero-ing" over

I'm too afraid of results to go get tested.
There's a HIV self test kit I'm gonna buy first to make sure I don't got hiv, then I'll go get tested for hepatitis.

But it would be obvious if I had hep right?

Id like to think so but it's surprising how many people are oblivious about their own bodies
Don't worry so much dawg.. it's fairly unlikely that you'd get hep if this was like a one time fling with one person
If anything you should be worried about hpv
Also if you did you could sue the other person involved on some felony level shit (though I know I certainly wouldn't and you wouldn't either)

We all have hpv

there are treatments for hep C, they don't always work but early detection would definitely be better

you may be immune to hep B if you've had shots

hep A is a temporary condition

HIV is treatable, AIDS is not

basically its better to know rather than to just wait till your body is fucked

What he said

>I'm too afraid of results to go get tested.

Nut the fuck up. If you do have something the longer you wait the worse it will be.

>There's a HIV self test kit I'm gonna buy first to make sure I don't got hiv, then I'll go get tested for hepatitis

That is all bullshit. Just go to the fucking doctor.

Though idk about hep a being temporary

For sure should just go get your blood tested
It's no big deal people do it everyday

I had a friend once like you OP
Dude thought he had like herp or something for like a year and refused medical treatment.. dude finally caved in and doc told him it was fairly difficult to test for and that "he would likely know if he had it" due to symptoms being rough
Anyway he never had anything and was just a huge paranoid pussy for like a year of his life for no reason

What you're feeling is shame lmfao
The doc doesn't give a shit if you have aids or where you got it from

It may be chlamydia. I just got it myself, and I got none of the genital-related symptoms, but I got an enlarged spleen and lumps at the back of my throat.

Chlamydia is only an actual problem if you live in a shithole.

They do have to stick a swab in your urethra to find out if you have it, though, and that isn't fun.

Chlamydia is the dianosis for like 95% of std related cases they see at my local heal dept (in a shithole town)


Also they don't swab your urethra anymore
That's old science
Now they only take a piss sample

I got the test last week, and they fucking did. I wish they'd just taken a piss sample.

Trust me
Have had chlamydia in recent years lulz
Doc was like "you think you're happy about this development!?! How do you think I feel!?!"

Damn dude weird
It's been like 2 years since I got tested for chlamydia via piss sample and the doc totally told me that was outdated methodology

Your body is telling you that you're a fag

He could very well have been right. I live in Canada. It's free and fairly quick, but I suspect I'd get higher quality healthcare if we had a for-profit system.

Not that I'd choose that over this, mind you.

I mean.. this.


One, your liver is up under your rib cage on the right hand side of your body - if anything is wrong with it it won't feel like it's pushing on your guts.

Two, hepatitis c isn't spread by anything other than blood to blood contact - and even it is now easily treatable along with other forms of viral hepatitis. Therefore, go get tested.

Three, don't fuck without a wrapper.

Four, you're a dumb shit.

What's prostitution like in Canada?
Alcohol content in beer high?
Is your cannabis getting wildly stronger like in the us?
Gambling laws?
Gun laws?
Age of consent?

chop your dick off and post pics