A hot and steamy log from Andy Sixx's glorious asshole

A hot and steamy log from Andy Sixx's glorious asshole

Only dubs get a log

please kek. please grant me the dubs of a delicious creamy log

What the holy fuck is this some kind of new Sup Forums roll thread ?

Please have an ounce of decency, and post something Sup Forums worthy

> logging ...err i mean rolling

hot and steamy or soft and creamy?

This shit has been going on for awhile now. It's like... Some new meme or something?


a forced meme

id do it for forty dollars and i bet itd be a total rip off


will I be the chosen one?





it's one guy samefagging every night because he thinks it's going to catch on like the dumb fucking fag he is

Shes amazing how she stood up to that malet and smiled. I want to fuck her brains out!!!

How did this stupid fucking meme even start? It's not even meta like Milhouse. if i were Andy Sixx, I'd be so ashamed that my music career has been boiled down to a shit-eating meme on Sup Forums.

Since I'm complaining, I guess I'll roll and open my mouth to see if anything falls in.

a hot and steamy log will be slidding down your throat in no time my man

id be embarrassed to be associated with hot topic but yeah

rollerrooni, rollerooni, put that shit right through me.

Probably a fucking shill bot pushing the gay agenda.

i can't believe people are actually replying to your threads, you are the worse than the people getting paid to post black and cuckold threads

roll cuz i want the log to slid down my throat the same way andy did slid down from the stage in one of his concert