Bored again... dubs decides

Bored again... dubs decides

dip it in bleach

Put a fishing hook down your cock hole and post pics.

masturbate to google images 'tony robbins motivational'

put it away and go to bed

Fap to gay shota

stick it in the blender turned on

Put in toaster

Make really concentrated salt water, dip your dick in it

Cut hole in box -> Penis in said hole


WINRAR. This one even isn't that bad, so you must do it

put it into a blender and turn it on

Wrap it in tissue and place a spooky ghost face on it

does that even do anything

send picture of it to one of your female friend

I've never done it, just wrote something he wouldn't pussy out of

draw a face on it with a sharpie

We have a winner now do it.


roll for this

bend it 90 degrees



take a picture of it and send to your mom

Op, do it on video, and by dip I meant hold it in there for a good while.

another winrar

Proof, it's me

dubs pls


OP won't do it