How do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem of mine?

how do i get a girlfriend with this acne problem of mine?

all my friends have girlfriends and they make out with them and go out to the movies and shit and I just stay here at home all day playing Minecraft and posting here.

i am tired of being lonely Sup Forums. how do i girlfriend?

Other urls found in this thread:

Option A
>1 get rid of acne
>2 get gf
>3 fuck her madshitcrazy
Option B
>find gf with same acne
>do step 3 from Option A

As a dernathologist ide recommend you to drink 2 cup of bleach with 1 cup of water. The bleach will help your skin clear of the toxins. You should be done in a week max. Try it

Squeeze all the spots.
That will make them go away.

I wouldn't worry about it, that acne looks like it's just about ready to clear up

Acutane treatement, painful but works...spoiler alert: didn't help me get a girlfriend

beer yeast caps
did miracles.

Stop posting this fucking thread would be a start you gross minefield face fuck

Amonia and bleach mix vapors also help to exfoliate your skin.

Ok what would happen if you'd ran a razor over that?

Stop eating sugar, spend at least an hour outdoors every day (being indoors is awful for your skin), see a dermatologist, start taking antibiotics, if those don't work get prescribed isotretinoin (accutane).

>used to have bad acne
>started using the coconut oil on face
>no pimples


Get accutane. Your acne will clear up and your new edgy personality will help you slay that sweet 16 year old cunny

Take trips to equator. The sun is stronger there. It should clear it up. Also get of the the med for depression they don't help

Your shit is permanently fucked.
How did it get that bad?

First get rid of this problem at least partially.

Consider it a gift. Girlfriends are just oversized pets, in the end. Only difference is they are way more intense to look after, constantly require maintenance, and hurt you when they feel like it, because their feelings are all that matter. You're better off without


Whatever helps you sleep at night, neckbeard.

Don't pick at it guy. You don't want that shit to scab up or you might scar your face.

Lel. Get rid of it. Get operation to clean scars. And you r pretty boi again

Roacitain my dude

medicate the acne and change your lifestyle or find a pimply bitch


If you want actual advice, i'd recommend going to a salon or spa and ask what they can do to help with that.
They have multiple different types of facials and general cleansing, ranging from blackhead removals to glycolic peels.

found the salon worker down on their luck

I have clear skin but I always wanted fucked up skin so I could pop huge pimples

youre a faggot

you sound like a faggot


It's a permanent acne cure.

It fixed me. It will fix you too.

You must see a dermatologist and they'll likely try less extreme options that won't work first....

If you live in Europe you can go to a doctor.
If you don't run a razor over that for reaserch.

Nurse fag here. You should see a dermatologist and look into accutane. You can't drink on it and you have to get liver test done every once in a while. But it will clear that shit up quick.

Youve posted before. Fuck off.

I fucking kek'd


You have scars now you idiot. You'll have them forever for scratching off the scabs.
Get some wood filler


And know that everyone that's offering the "clean up your diet/wash your face better/OTC cures/sunlight and workout" have never had severe acne. They had a regular amount where regular cures work....

Those with severe acne must see a dermatologist. They'll at first offer topical cures and antibiotics, which may work better than clearasil and soap, but not much.... keep going back and asking for stronger. Eventually they'll prescribe acne.

It will make you dry as a mummies cock for the 3 months you're on it. Your lips will crack and bleed (need chapstick). Your eyes will be dry. Your nose will be so dry you'll get nosebleeds. But it permanently dries out your oil glands....

Now take in mind that all acne treatment companies and pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in stopping people from curing acne. So there's been many lawsuits against the companies that produce accutane and it's generics. They say it makes you depressed and causes suicide (which is a cause/correllation argument, they don't take into consideration that those with severe acne are likely killing themselves for THAT reason, not the accutane). People like to attribute a host of negative effects to accutane. If a woman is pregnant while on it, they mandate that she must be on two forms of birth control because it will cause birth defects. But once the cycle has ended she's fine to give birth with no problems, it does not effect men's ability to produce kids.

Oh, and accutane may for a few weeks make acne worse, then it will go away and likely stay away permanently (but some people may need 2 or 3 cycles of it for permanent effects). it can affect blood triglyceride levels so they mandate a monthly blood test.

But it's like chemo for acne. Is it a harsh treatment? Sure. But it WILL fix your problem. Usually for good.

It's a life changer. People treated me with much more respect after getting my acne treated. I started dating...

virgin alert

scrape 2 first layers of skin with a cheese grater. Then apply vinager and lemon juice on it. It should do the job. Hope it helps!

>eventually they'll prescribe Accutane (or the generic equivalent)

is what I meant to say.

Teatree oil applied lightly, once a day, will help as well.

Sea water...