Why are most liberals bad in bed?

Why are most liberals bad in bed?

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they can't do things as individuals


They're used to watching their girlfriends get fucked by bulls

in my experiments, it's the feminists who like being degraded and treated like sluts more than anyone else once the lights go out


how many liberals have you slept with?

Why are most conservatives closeted homosexuals?


Ur mom didn't think so last night

No body does things as individuals, not like you're changing the world either cocklick.

6 in total. All were extremely awkward and scared to an extent even.

don't liberals have like more sex and are more "open to experience"
conservatives tend to be.... conservative and up tight about it, because they believe in sexual morality

every action you take becomes part of collection of human actions which continually causes change in the world.

how many conservatives have you slept with, and what were they lke?

I don't know, Texas is basically closet capital.

Uptight about sex and secretly fucking dudes

because they think they are abominations that god hates
of course they're not going to come out

Because they don't like fucking people over.

>career politician kek

4. They made it feel typical. Like a basic stress relief for them.

If girl then tits or gtfo
If boy kys fucking homo

You never been to Austin? It's right up there with Frisco and Atlanta

Not only do they never come out they do the creepiest shit.


You mean like two weeks ago when we had to hold your hand and explain you step by step why Trump won and Bernie is shit candidate? It's productive for you when you suck our knowledge like an horny progressive.

They'll hate this response but of course it depends on gender. In the case of men lack of sexual aggression from constant shaming, in the case of women generally pure selfishness sometimes to the point of not even knowing how dicks work. Both tend to have ridiculous or unrealistic beliefs about orgasms and the length of sexual encounters.

This. They don't even want to date the men they're creating. Have this image from the ol' gold mine.

Conservative homosexuals and bisexuals tend to remain closeted because they don't believe that attaining 100% emotional acceptance from others is necessary or even possible, they don't believe their own acceptance is worth accepting what's below them. The last thing a gay conservative man wants is for some Rocky Horror Picture Show man-thing with full blown AIDS walking up to him and being like "thanks 4 the freedom 2 spread AIDS honey u fite 4 us~~~".

What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? That's not even a good attempt at a strawman.

literally every single thing that humans have ever accomplished was comprised of individual actions

You have to learn how to separate the 10% of homosexual special flowers from the rest of the herd. Just like I've learned to separate the religious right wackadoodles from the Republican party and the extreme West coast lefty loons from the Democrats.

and 90% of it was accomplished by liberals, too

Atrizine and Vegan Diet.


You mean like two weeks ago when we had to hold your hand and explain you step by step why Trump won and Bernie is shit candidate? It's productive for you when you suck our knowledge like an horny progressive.

There's nothing hot about a guy stopping every 5 seconds to ask if you're recieving enough clitoral stimulation

Fuckin male feminists don't know how to fuck like they have balls

That's basically what I mean though, the conservative homosexuals don't want to do anything to help the special snowflakes make homosexuality a bigger issue than it has to be.

Also we could do with fewer "guy you slept with turns out to be sketchy libtard rainbowfag but only after he got that dick" moments where we have to run screaming for an AIDS test.

uh, no. Alpha conservatives (the ones that have that smell of cordite bc they've fresh from their private indoor range) are very sexy to conservative woman. e.g. - overheard too very attractive women growl that Sec. Rumsfeld was a "silver fox" and they would do anything to bed him. Anything.

Liberals, Conservatives ? What the fuck is that ?

Liberals are people who believe in progress, freedom, and making choices and building policy based on facts and pragmatism

Conservatives are people who believe in anti-science, slavery (authority) and making choices based on dogma their parents drilled into their heads

what a clear-headed and unbiased person you are

lol, I "heard" something that supports my ridiculous claim, so you should take it as proof
>only a fool would...

Sad liberal twat.


Liberals are all emotion and most often resort to humor or insults in arguments instead of strength of ideas. They do have a heart for the less fortunate but their ideas and plans to help always lack consideration for consequences and no long term vision.

Conservatives are tied up in religion and allow their Christian roots to dictate policy which they fucking push on everyone else. They will ignore things that have to be done if their religion says so and lack the flexibility needed to lead people. While better for business and thus better for the state of the nation, they often go too far and become corporate puppets which ends up nullifying whatever benefit their policies may have yielded to the public.

Liberals are better at "cool" and much better in a war of words.

Conservatives are better at money and are easy targets to make look foolish.

Democrat is Mommy that buys pudding for your week of school lunch at the expense of the family food budget that month because she "cares" and that's what matters.

Republican is Daddy that does the work to keep family alive, and is hated because he spanked you for misbehaving. But Daddy gets drunk and mean too often.

tl;dr: Libs are heart, no brain and Cons are brain, no heart

It's you trumptards that are obsessed with cuckoldry, not leftists.

>tl;dr: Libs are heart, no brain and Cons are brain, no heart
Like, basically all scientists are liberal, but whatever

>tl;dr: Libs are heart, no brain and Cons are brain, no heart

That is why the vast majority of graduate and postgrad degree holders are leftists, right? Because no brains???

>tfw you realize you are an angry "took mah job" blue collar worker with tiny penis


Funny how you think that. You must think that the only scientists are TV scientists.

just look at any statistics dude, i'm sorry TV is the only time you come into contact with sience but it really is true

One researcher, jonathan haidt, is actually worried about the lack of viewpoint diversity in the academy and thinks it will harm the process of science and introduce a bias, because virtually all researchers are liberal

You can't be a scientist and support a president who thinks vaccines cause autism. Republicans have been the anti science party for a while, and scientists will have strong views about that, even if trump is the better president overall

>basically all scientists are liberal, but whatever

Well, duh. The more knowledge, the more education, the more liberal.

I agree that Republicans have been the more anti-science. But then you get lib scientists fudging the data on global warming when it doesn't even need it and then using the science to leverage more taxes and abridged lifestyles. that's science abuse.

Tons of Christ-fag scientists out there. Publications quote the "experts" they choose. Thus both sides think they have more scientists on their side.

>Education is bad, because it will teach those damn children that our values are just bullshit dogma and indoctrinate them with liberal values, such as intelligence and communism
t. conservatives

Intelligence and communism are not values.

Plenty of intelligent people on both sides.

Politically vocal people prove that intelligence and wisdom are absolutely different scores.

Are a majority of scientists really liberal? Because according to media and political youtubers, liberals seem to be against unpleasant truths and more about emotions and feelings. Are scientists liberals redpilled and they just choose to ignore it?

>unbiased source
Try again faggot.

Because they're too busy fucking other people metaphorically to do it literally.

Why are most conservatives gay pedophiles?


Democrats (liberals) enforced slavery and fought emancipation.

>why trump won

that was illiberal of them. it's not about the name of the party, it's about the ideology we're talking about

Political YouTubers? Seriously?

And EVERYONE is about emotions and feelings. Just different ones.


democrats used to be the conservatives back then.


hacked what election? no votes hacked. the ONLY hacking was a release of private insider e-mails showing the dnc thinks all the voters are morons.

So what you're saying is that liberals enjoy being fucked, so long as someone else is doing all of the work?

nice try

Senator Robert Bird. Pretty recent. You Libs loved his KKK ass.

wait a minute... are you a refugee?

And even that wasn't a hack. The fell for a phishing email. Never was a hack. pfft

>anti-science, slavery (authority) and making choices based on dogma their parents drilled into their heads
Holy shit. This is some next level delusions.
I'm calling bait. It has to be.

WOW that t-shirt is a bad fit


The DNC bought a nice piece of Moroccan Prince start-up. Apparently that is "being hacked" these days.

Yes, being employed by a University is difficult if you're not a liberal.

Most Engineers (applied scientists) are conservatives.

and as always, the Liberals never did anything wrong and the conservatives are corrupt.


thats quite the assumption friend

But OP you've never had sex, let alone with 51% of the population.

Stupid worthless bluegum liverlip niggers.....
hey niggers you lost?

Here he is, it was fun, let's go home
No point when this faggot is around

wow man I was just saying "thats quite the assumption friend"

Like I said, You can't be a scientist and support a president who thinks vaccines cause autism. Republicans have been the anti science party for a while, and scientists will have strong views about that, even if trump is the better president overall

And please never say "redpilled" again

I don't know about him, but I come into contact with "sience" all the time, and most of the people I work with are conservative. Notice I (and he) said conservative, not Republican.

The truth is, there is a wide variety of people working in scientific fields which are under-represented by media because most media outlets tends to cherry pick whichever article/thesis/scientist will support their current viewpoint. Liberal media shows liberal scientists' opinions and data, conservative media shows conservative scientists' opinions and data, and even the presentation of data is optional because that allows people to draw their own conclusions which may differ from the viewpoints presented. It is a stupidly effective method, and I can't even fault them for employing it. And it is certainly employed by both sides, to the point where there is no real debate any more because both sides already have the answers and know for sure that they are correct. It is becoming increasingly easy to seclude yourself in a bubble (I hate the terms safe space and hugbox, but they aren't necessarily wrong) where you hear no opinion outside of your own and those of like-minded individuals. The end result is an "intelligent discussion" consisting of flinging shit over a wall at each other to see what sticks, with data which has been verified by someone who's base assumption is your viewpoint is correct. And if that isn't the case, there is always someone else's data.

I don't know a single scientist or engineer who isn't annoyed by this ideology based pseudoscience bullshit.

Dude... half of those are expressing completely opposing ideas.


He denounced the KKK in the 1950's.

that is correct.

lol conseervatard projects his erectile disfunction issues on ohhers

also obvious newfag spotted

because daddy loved them to much