Can someone tell me how to run away from child support?

Can someone tell me how to run away from child support?

I fucked some bitch on okcupid about a year ago... Never talked to her after that. Now she text me out of no where saying im a father and she will order for me to pay child support.

I hide my Identity on every girl I fuck. I tell them a fake name, never take them to my house (always fuck in thier place), never show them my car so they can see license plate, always give them a text free app number, never show them my credit card or IDs, and never tell them my real age and etc.

Am I safe or can I still get tracked down?

I make 50k a year and dont want no bitch leaving me making 25k a year and buying a new car with my momey and shit. I need to know if im safe and what further precautions to take.

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>Can someone tell me how to run away from child support?

You actually have a few choices:

1. Leave the country and come back after the bastard is 18 years old

2. Get incarcerated until the bastard is 18 years old

3. Get a sex change and deny you ever had sex with her because you're a chick and chicks can't impregnate other chicks.

4. Kill the child.

5. Live completely off the grid. Start using another name and work day labor for cash.

Be a fucking man and take care of your child you selfish cunt!

If you were that careful, how was she able to text you from out of nowhere?

>she text me out of nowhere
>always give them a text free app number


It's not your kid. Slut is trying to get you to finance Tyrhone's baby.

6. Nuke your country.

7. kill yourself

8. Join the police, say the child is black.

>Buy a plane ticket to France.
>Join the Foreign Legion.
>Get a new identity as a Legionnaire.
Get a text out of nowhere saying you are the father of a bastard child in Paris.
>Buy a plane ticket to Russia...

Nah fuck that lmao

Tell her you're snipped and if she calls you again you'll push harassment charges.


get a dna test if that works.

Give up your rights to the baby

Because i still have the app retards


Tell her if she can prove it, you'll cut her a check, then leave your house and join the Kurdish rebels in Syria. She'll never find you.

I like how you don't see the obvious solution to stop using the app but think other people are retards.

Accuse her of rape Op

or just ignore the bitch and deny you ever met her

Get a lawyer immediately and contest the paternity. You might have a very small window to challenge the paternity. Also if you have no intention of supporting children then why the fuck haven't you had your tubes tied?

reply with "new phone who dis"

>not volunteering for the Syrian Army to aid them in putting down the islamist rebellion like the rabid dog it is.

Kurdish women are hotter than Syrians though. Also, more honorable warriors.

run away

I worry for you man. Fuck. Been through it. I was scammed into paying for 2 abortions... one needed me to pay for her weekly therapy. She bought a new car and moved across the the country to CO and used my money to rent a place and smoke pot. DO NOT text her back. Have no further communication with her whatsoever. Do everything possible to hide the fact that it was you. Change cell carriers and destroy you phone. Toss any clothing you wore when you met her. Do not talk to police. Do not talk to attorneys. Talk to no one. Ignore and deny.

>50k a year

How do you live?

fuck off you nu-male faggot

>fighting for an immoral rebellion to impress women who will never fuck you
>thinking people fighting for said rebellion have any honor

If she can text you that means its game over with. She already has too much info on yea.

fucking neanderthal pussy boy!!!

troll harder

I live in Minnesota and I only make 50k a year. I lived with my parents after college til I was 26 and I have a bit under 200k in savings. If you live modestly, you can make it work very easily. I could prob survive off of 30k a year and still save about 5k.

The Kurds fight for freedom and self-determination, what nobler goal can there be?

>comes to Sup Forums
>gets offended


not everyone who doesn't want kids with ONE person, seeks to bar themselves from having ANY children with ANYONE

You can waive your rights to the child. That will get you out of child support. But it won't change the fact that you run away from your responsibilities you piece of shizno

If dubs, reply: "Nice try, I'm sterile."
Post reply if u get one.

Here's a crazy idea just stop using the app or change your number retard.

>Can someone tell me how to run away from child support?
You must first become a nigger.

>You can waive your rights to the child. That will get you out of child support.
Where do you live that this is a real thing?

What is a paternity test.

A child that SHE says is his. From a one night stand. Yes, she is surely someone you want to spend the next 18 yrs dealing with.

Tell me, when Tyrone fucks your woman, does he let you watch you blue pilled white knight.?

You can try moving out of state and making money in a way that you don't pay taxes. If you have tax records, though, the support division can track it and can garnish your wages. Pretty damn hard to get around that.

extra precaution
>never take pictures with her
>never enter establishments where a clear picture of you can be obtained (this is hard due to security cameras
>Fuck bitches out of state and once you're done with them delete the app and move on with your life.

Law, order, economic prosperity, religious freedom (which Assad has always upheld)

1. That doesn't negate responsibility.
2. Neither does that.
3. Nor that.
4. Stellar plan, Stan.
5. That could work.

Not how that works, sonny. Maybe you've seen where one waives rights to child in a divorce decree in exchange for no child support.

"Waive" is different than "Get rid of." Go look for the legal definition of waive

>never enter establishments where a clear picture of you can be obtained (this is hard due to security cameras
Yea but most business aren't just going to hand over security camera footage to some skank with a bastard kid. They will hand it over with a court order, but given how long those can take, most security camera DVRs will have already overwritten the footage.

didnt read the thread just saying my info

There is a little piece of paper that you can sign. Giving up all your rights to the child as the father. So in other words like woman can just kill and give up the kid a dad can do that as well. talk to a lawyer and he can help you out with that.

You can waive your right to custody, but you are absolutely still on the hook for child support.

How about just not being a scumbag nigger?

i say listen to this guy

Don't worry about it if she doesn't know who you are user.

That doesn't negate paternal responsibilities of child support in most cases, unless the other party agrees to it in legal docs filed with the court.

LISTEN EVERYONE. I have had this happen to me. They only extorted about 800 for an abortion which neither let me witness. One milked me for money to pay for her therapy in coping. 200 a week for 6 months. I kept all records so that I was safe if anything happened to her because she had her fucking parents in on the scam as well. Women do this more often than you know. They guilt you for money, dinner, rides, talking to their landlords for them. Basically being their personal assistant. It happens. If you think they got the crazy eyes, do not insert.

Waiving parental rights doesn't get rid of financial obligation. Just means you'd never have visitation.

>I live in Minnesota
not op I hope...

This whole trhread is retarded.
If you don't want to be part of the their life, don't respond, delete your shit, and move on with your life. There's no need to engage because then if they somehow do track you down you want to be able to claim plausible deniability.



Go with the I'm sterile line, this bitch is just trying to use you as a free ride as in the 9 months she was preggers she thought you were clearly the best off and the most money she would get

If you had this happen twice to you, then your problem isn't that the chick was crazy but you lazy fuck didn't protect correctly.

PS: get a gf and don't fuck around silly, then you dont have these problems

She has to prove you are the father. Being that you gave her a fake name and was not there to sign the birth cert it is going to be harder for her to do that. She doesn't even have a name. Dump the okcupid account and move out of town if you live in the same town.

They can't just run around saying anyone is the father. If she had a name the best she could do is ask the court for a paternity test.

Also remember that anal and blowjobs will never give pump and dumps anchor babies to your fortune.


my brother went thru that and was about to abandon the child till my mother had a 1on1on1 with a belt with him. He is around 29.

Best advice, and also ditch that number right now

You have to be able to prove it - which means the cost of medical testing.

Not OP

The trick is that he isn't the father, this girl is clearly someone who has a lot of one night stands and once she understands (or thinks) he is sterile she'll lock onto second best ride

Most women are just as crazy about becoming grandmothers.

Your english is too bad to be legit.

Get a paternity test. Haven't passed one yet :)

Child support's a bunch of faggots congregating to ruin people's lives, it has nothing to do with the kids.
Nobody gives a fuck about your fuckin kids because if they did they wouldn't have created a legal system that basically provides incentive for birthing a child at a younger age than the male parent can ever be financially prepared for.
>I believe it's your body and your choice, but it should also be your fucking responsibility...... but only if it's one kid.....if you got two or more with the bitch you're just an idiot trying to get out of a hell of your own making.


Unless he uses that excuse on a string of women and it becomes obvious it's a lie - then the courts can force said testing at his expense.

my gf put her little girl's dad on child support

he now has to pay 440 dollars a month, I almost feel sorry for him

Op, I have custody of my won, his mother is ordered by the state to pay child support. But since she's a deadbeat jobless piece of shit who has since then had a second child, the state has put her order on hold, she has owed me just over $3100.00 for almost 2 years now. It's simple, you just need to be the woman and it all gets put on hold for you.

I was stupid and in love with the first one who was the one that scammed me simply for the abortion and she was my hottest lay so I was all fucked in the head and believed her shit. Second, I knew I was fucked. I hate condoms. I like to blow it in em. She lied. I couldn't prove it but if a girl screams rape you are fucked. I hung up my hat and I do have a steady live in gf now. No more randoms for me. My advice to you all: text them after sex and get them to talk about it and how good it was etc. Keep it. Otherwise, they will say you raped them if you ghost them.

join the foreign legion in france

You could keep the girl chained up in your basement and use her as a living sex doll.

>Haven't passed one
your 'father' should too...

This is a one time deal though

wtf that sounds diabolic. Where do you live that such crazy girls do this to you?

You're raising someone else's child. I almost feel sorry for you.

Best bet is to ditch the phone and hope it was a prepaid and he used cash only for the refills.

its not bad i already have a son from a previous relationship.

you should just kill the fucker and fucking kill her too

Yup, ditch phone and they don't have anything to tie him to

Unless he used his debit/credit card or bank account to pay the phone bill.

>can't just run around saying anyone is the father

You. Thought.

I don't speak French. And I have full confidence in the ability of Syria's lawful government to restore order to the regions plagued by rebellion.


Besides it's one thing to be raising another man's child and paying for it. It's another to be raising anther man's child and he's paying for it.

get the child DNA tested. They cant pin you for Child Support until she's proven it's your child, especially in this case seeing as she was just some random tinderslut you only met once.

Other than that, you could just move to another country.

>prepaid and he used cash only for the refills.
You don't need to registrar your name/adresse/etc for a prepaid in usa? In europe you can't have a phone easily like that anymore ....


Guy making tons of money living happily overseas checking in.

First renew your passport. They can't reclaim or revoke. Only make it so you can't renew once you owe child support. Work on getting getting a second.

Secondly don't take a DNA test or get involved with an attorney. They're a part of the system and will aggrivate the situation.

Third find somewhere you want to live. Luckily I can work from anywhere so I travel a lot. Mostly on my second passport. Obtaining a third from another country soon.

Also, if you're able to meet someone you trust like a lawyer or a rich woman. See if you can put a bank account in their name. At the moment I have four accounts in three different people's names.

Also, try to relax the system sucks moves slow and generally goes after easy targets. All the stuff people say to scare you is bullshit


you dont have to speak french,i have been there but got injured at castel,and never made it through basic training. but who knows,you might have a chance.

Yeah if you file for child support they make you take a paternity test. Unless you get fucked some other way. Like living under the same roof or singing his birth certificate with your name.

You know what op at least go get fixed now. You have proven that you are a nigger and can't take care of a kid.