What did you think of Star Trek Beyond...

What did you think of Star Trek Beyond? Is it significantly different than its immediate predecessors or just more of the same? Is there any reason for somebody who thinks that JJ Trek has been brainless trash up until now to see it?

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It felt like a weird mesh of modern trek action and old-school trek plotting.

The entire crew gets things to do, and Kirk and Spock have emotions other than rage.

Felt totally different than the previous two, except in the biggest action scenes.

It was different than the other ones in this series. It felt more like some run of the mill TV episode. It lacked any real moral ground about anything. It was just action shit and nothing-deep emotional stuff.

I couldn't finish it.

>Felt totally different than the previous two, except in the biggest action scenes.
Really? That's interesting. Is Kirk less of a petulant child in this one? And does the movie feel more authentically Star Trek overall?

>It felt more like some run of the mill TV episode. It lacked any real moral ground about anything.
But classic Trek episodes were often morality plays, or at least explored facets of human psychology. They often had a point of some sort, even if it was ham-handed and cheesy way.

>Is Kirk less of a petulant child in this one?
yeah, his writing is pretty good overall although imo his character arc through the movie doesn't make sense much sense (and Spock's is even more nonsensical)

>It lacked any real moral ground about anything
did you miss everything anyone said to Krall or what

It feels more like a Star Trek movie. Like in the older ones it sorta seemed forced like, "hey look! we are Star Trek!" While this one just "is" and has gotten past that shit.

Still just lackluster eye candy. I'd compare it to a Star Trek Enterpise episode minus anything that good.

>some run of the mill TV episode

Meaning not TOS, since stating " It lacked any real moral ground about anything." Means I'm not referring to TOS at all.

Star Trek Continues is vastly superior to Star Trek Beyond and all the JJ garbage.

>did you miss everything anyone said to Krall or what

You mean all the meaningless gibberish? Not remotely Star Trek related. It is just shit tossed in at the last moment when brainstorming the action sequences and quips.

It felt more like a mix of Star Trek Insurrection and Star Trek IV. Its the best Star Trek movie since VI hands down and the best Trek thing in nearly 2 decades.

If you like seeing Kirk, Spock and Bones interact a lot then you'll love it.

could possibly bring back the publication of the Nit-Pickers guides

>If you like seeing Kirk, Spock and Bones interact a lot then you'll love it.
I'd love to see Kirk, Spock and Bones interact. Their dynamic is what made classic Trek so fucking awesome. But only Bones feels anything like the original character (Urban really hits it out of the park, and I may actually prefer his young Bones to the original). Quinto does an okay Vulcan, but he has none of Spock's style or wit. And Pine's Kirk? Absolutely terrible. They took one aspect of Kirk--his brashness--and amplified it into an entire character, completely missing the nuance involved. Kirk wasn't thoughtlessly impulsive. He wasn't an out of control hothead. He had an intuitive sense of command, trusted his gut, and often used his swagger in a calculated way. But most of all, he was a personable guy. He wasn't some rebellious child with an attitude problem. Pine's Kirk is unrelatable and thoroughly unlikable. So while I haven't seen Beyond yet, I'm extremely skeptical that the Kirk/Spock/Bones dynamic is good enough to carry the movie.

I think 2009 is still the best just because it had the sheer novelty of bringing back Star Trek, but Beyond is without a doubt the most technically impressive and still emotionally satisfying

The idea behind Pine's Kirk is that he''s growing into the role of command. Its certainly the theme of the first film and this one, though I haven't seen it, pushes that angle in the trailers.

>He wasn't an out of control hothead. He had an intuitive sense of command, trusted his gut, and often used his swagger in a calculated way. But most of all, he was a personable guy. He wasn't some rebellious child with an attitude problem. Pine's Kirk is unrelatable and thoroughly unlikable. So while I haven't seen Beyond yet

he's extremely levelheaded in Beyond, surprisingly. if you want to get into spoilers he actually doesn't break a rule the entire movie, doesn't take any unnecessary risks, and really shows off his command skills with Chekov

Kirk's age and the burdens of command are a major theme of the film. there's a scene at the beginning that highlights this, it's might be the best in the film. it's even very visual and well shot.

>I think 2009 is still the best just because it had the sheer novelty of bringing back Star Trek
You mean appropriating Star Trek intellectual property and painting it on top of a mindless action blockbuster that has none of the feel of Star Trek? Seriously, that movie couldn't have seemed less like Star Trek if it tried.

the camera moves are pretty amazing, Star Trek has certainly never looked this good. stuff like the warp drive, launching from space dock, moving through the crashed ship. sumptuous long takes all over the place.

That takes me back.

It was *good.*

But that's it. It was amazing, or outstanding, or daring. It was just good. They all have little arcs, some nice set-pieces, nice interplay between groups and characters.

Surprisingly, Beastie Boys was the best part. Instead of "kill the head to destroy the hive," we got an interesting twist. But I felt myself saying more "wow, that's a fun idea" instead of actually having fun. So, good script, save for some cliches and maybe some weak arcs, but the direction wasn't good enough to really bring it all forward.

i still wasn't ecstastic about the song, but the visual of the tidal wave over the Enterprise was probably the best shot of the film

Yeah, everyone was saying this was back to "sci-fi" roots, but there wasn't really any sci-fi concepts. It was a straight-up action-adventure film. They even pulled that stupid ex-Federation guy turns evil thing again.

the Yorktown was a fun sci fi concept, could've used it more though

In all fairness, being merely "good" is a huge step up for the reboot. Especially after the absolute shitshow that was Into Darkness.

I actually thought the Into Darkness was a bit better than 2009, if only because it didn't have to get the crew together in the most stupid and implausible ways it could think of. But I'm not willing to waste much energy arguing my point. They were both bad.

Pros: nice story, characters are more true to the TOS than they have been previously

Cons: it's a complete visual mess. The entire part where the enterprise is being attacked was too fucking dark to tell what the hell was going on and the other half of the movie had the camera swinging around so much you couldn't clearly see what was actually happening. The editing doesn't allow any scenes to actually breathe. Jayla was bland.

Honestly the cinematographer for this movie should be dragged out into the streets and shot.

>beyond is better than 2009

only if you're a massive fucking retard.

If it's not better than 2009, it's fucking garbage.

Easily the best of the three nu-treks. This movie actually made me start watching the Original Series and it matches the feeling pretty well. The only gripes I had with it were the Enterprise boarding scene felt way too long and the villain could've been more fleshed out. Also using sabotage to defeat the drones was un-ironically my favorite part of the movie

It was really good. A few problems, for sure, but far and above the Abrams efforts. It felt like a Star Trek story. The characters, while still retaining their new characteristics, behaved like Trek characters, and Kirk here actually showed wit and leadership, Spock's emotions were dialled down, and McCoy actually gets something to do.

The villain plot was undercooked, and also suffered from being too similar to the previous two plots (guy wronged by Federation out for revenge), but it actually had something to say philosophically. It wasn't really introduced until the back half hour of the film, but this idea of Idris Elba being a soldier and being unable to adjust to the Federation's style of peacekeeping and unity.

One thing that dragged it down in the backhalf, one decision that might have made the whole movie great, is during the final fight where Idris looks at his reflection in the glass. It felt like they were building to a classic Trek moment where Kirk talks the villain into killing himself/saving the day, but then Idris just dies anyway.

i thoguht it was fucking terrible, unoriginal and retarded.

the >sabotage scene was the literally the dumbest thing i've seen in years


this was Pegg's original choice for the Sabotage scene