He shits in front of your girlfriends feet what will you do?

He shits in front of your girlfriends feet what will you do?

Just because someone slams 50 gallons of roids, doesn't make them dangerous in the slightest.

Look at that fucking dweeb's face.

Undo his shoop, then beat up the skinny indian that's left.

Sweep it up into my hands and push down a drain for him, then as I look up from my bent over position, my fingers pushing the shit into the cracks of the drain

"th...thanks....you too"

Being that buff usually means lacking in flexibility. Nothing more than a top heavy, trophy

Trick question. This is Sup Forums, none of us have girlfriends. Nice try.

Probably laugh and take a pic to share with you guys, since you would never believe me without proof.

direct him to the nearest designated shitting street...thousands of miles away in brazil.

Shoot Apu. Guns > muscular idiots.

Damn, Osama bin Liftin!

Funny... he doesn't look bulletproof.

It does, sperglord.

Niggers tongue my anus

Use my chinese cartoon skills and chop off his nipples with my 100% authentic korean sword


I really feel I am getting to old for this shit now.

idk why im in india but that seems like the norm there so I guess I walk around.

I probably lift more then this sand nigger I'll fucking deck him

Laugh because that's hilarious

>thinking just because someone is gay enough to inject shit in themselves that they're not strong
even with roids you have to put in hard work. and with a physique like that, whether its natural or not, he's strong as fuck

rub her nose in it

clap because im a proud american

>abusing women is hilarious

wow, considering offing yourself sperglord

Scream POO IN THE LOO ABU and laugh at him

Don't repeat insults faggot, it makes you look like you have several touches of the downs

Call ICE and have him deported

Pull put my 9mm and put two in his knee then walk away. She can wash her feet off. No more squats for you bitch boy.

nice dubs sperglord

pretty they shopped a poo in the loo pajeet head onto Mr. Sikhgains.jpeg

Get into a fight with him.
He's obviously spent more time sculpting his body than training it for self defense.
I wonder what his cardio's like?

Put me in coach.

pull concealed weapon and dump entire magazine

This is very underrated. It should be a meme.