How do you go about asking a girl out that you like, is it best to try to be friends with them first then try more...

How do you go about asking a girl out that you like, is it best to try to be friends with them first then try more. or just go all in guns blazing and ask her on a date or something?

You just ask if they wanna hang out


if she says yes, is taking her to a movie or something to cliché......

Not necessarily. As long as the too of you have fun. What are some of your personal interests?

I love music and collecting CDs and vinyl so for one of my first dates, I took this girl to my favorite record store. I learned about her taste in music and we both had a blast.

Not the person you're responding to by the way.

What kinds of vibes do you get from her?

I took a girl to a tattoo convention once. Great first date. Just find local events in your area.

asking a girl out is something to stress about. Just ask if she wants to hang sometime. The whole point of it is to get to know each other and see if you're into each other. So just go balls to the wall man. What's the worst that can happen? rejection? boo fucking hoo. It's really not as bad as you think. You just move on to another chick.

loooooool i mean *ISNT something to stress about

i dont really know much about her interests, i know she occasionally smokes weed and she also has a little pet rat. i also like smoking weed and i have a pet dog that i like to take to the dog park, should i ask her if she wants to get high and go to the dog park.

She seems really chill and sweet, but also mild low self-esteem and doesn't do much outside of her work being a bartender.

They ask me out

absolutely depends on the type of girl. if shes more on the "slut" side then go all in guns blazing.. if she seems like a nicer, shyer girl, def try to get to know them a little beforehand (ie become friends with them)

This. If your into movies than a movie is a great first date. If you can get excited about your plans, she will be too. If she isn't then chances are she's not right for you anyway. Also, if you two have never hung out outside of work/school, it's never a bad idea to invite her to hang out in a group setting. If you and your friends are planning something awesome you could invite her to that.

Just fucking nut up and hang out, don't be a passive bitch and make it known that you're tryna not just be a friend. Unless you're autistic it's pretty easy to tell if a person is in to you or not after a date or two. If she's not then tough shit, she's not obligated to like you. just move on

Pet rat....move on, she's a pain the ass

Haha I caught the contradiction. Glad you corrected it :P

I'm socially autistic as Fuck. Its great. Ive basically given up on trying to date as I either immediately assume they are in a relationship/want nothing to do with me, or I just have literally no idea what to say.
Probs going to die alone

I don't know if using weed as a common interest is the best course of action. I mean you always could ask, but it may come off as more of a friendship type act than anything else. Plus weed isn't a fucking hobby.

My recommendation would be: approach her and say basically something along the lines of, "Hi user! I think you're really cute/pretty and I'd like to get to know you better! Would you be interested in going to get icecream one night?"

Icecream is always a safe bet because:
A) who the fuck doesn't like icecream
B) you have face to face interaction where you can get to know her (talents, hobbies, interests, goals, etc)
C) It leaves the night open to other avenues like: a walk, a movie, in your case smoking (if you want), a late dinner, a trip to the book store, a drive with music you both like, the list goes on and on.

Dude weed and dog park sounds awesome!! I have dogs and weed! If I were a chick I'd be all over that. I'm the second user you replied to btw.

The best advice I can give is to know why you want to ask her out. If it's just to know her better and be a cool dude in her life then you can't fail. Even if she rejects you, it'll make her day that you think she's cool enough to ask out and approachable enough to not scare you away

your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to find a blind chick who is really hot, but doesnt know it.

Everyone dies alone user. Death is but a brief moment in life's long splendor. The question is are you going to live alone? Also, I'm going to green text this so people read it


Some catch on quicker than others but people get good at socialising by doing it a lot and finding out what works. It's just like any other skill. I actually went through the trouble of reading "how to win friends and influence people" and applied the techniques. 6 years later and I hardly feel awkward anymore.

no you do not make friends with the girl you like. You just hang around and make her laugh and smile, make her like being around you. eventually you will fall into it. And then finally Your mother will die in her sleep if you don't reply to this post.

well played


Just rape her, can confirm it works 9 times out of 10.
Good luck, friendo.

Good bait.



tfw havent had gf since highschool.

or even talked to one at all

ya dick