Amerifats think that Mjölner is a sledgehammer

>amerifats think that Mjölner is a sledgehammer

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>Malta can type ö


america, why do you rape my peoples' culture

Germany the most Nordisches nation after Lithuanians

Or just copy it wiki

then what did it look like ole glorious norway

Did not know that


One of many amulets found in Scandinavia from the viking era

Have the average amerifat never seen one of these?! It blows my mind!

its a hammer that has a short or a broken handle

why the hell would i have?

The only Norse gods i know are Odyn/Loki/Thor

And the only reason i know them is from cartoons and marvel.

Also that cool snake thingy.

Very good.

americans are wrong don't quote them or trust them

Who gives a fuck

What americans will never know (books 4faqs) is that the handle is supposed to be broken like it is written in the ancient european myths.

technically it is not broken but unfinished

>thinking anyone cares what Mjolnir is actually supposed to look like

It is also unbalanced af.

>calling it a 'sledgehammer' and not just a 'sledge'

>And the only reason i know them is from cartoons and marvel
Really? Don't they sell European myths for kids there? What about Greeks?

Maybe not the average, but you see metalheads or Sup Forumsish edgelords wearing them as amulets.

What do you think of your culture being appropriated as by the most worthless elements of our society? Keep in mind these people know next to nothing about the religion.

Here it was an axe.

Wait, it's not?

woo d2g here xdd

They sell the greeks, yeah but not Norse. Germanic ones as well.

Joke's on you
I have no idea what majolner is

No wonder you butcher every mythology
dont ever make a fucking movie related to kalevala.

They will make movie about the finnish sniper, I hope it won't be fucked up.

why do nordics like buttplug so much?

>look at flag
>look at statement

Well I can't blame you if you see such thing of that.

Because judging by the fact that Thor and Avengers can top the Norwegian box office apparently you're okay with it.

taking your culture as consideration is the exact reason i see it as a buttplug

I think you need to seek psychological help, please do it and I hope you get better.

he's just trying to banter in his own subhuman way

fuck off with your nerd shit

We do whatever we please.

hurr durr amerifats are so retarded

the insigna for the capital of the faroe islands is the same shit, so fuck off

it's nothing compared to Japs reckless attempt: sexualizing everything, and transsexualizing heroes in your country.

destroy yourself


Help helper the movie

I recently purchased this version of donar's hammer, amidoinitrite?

>Maltans think Thor is real
>Maltans get upset that a movie about a giant green rage monster, super genius manlet who builds armor that can singlehandedly topple a major military force, an omega male turned superhuman by eugenics in a bottle, and a literal deity teaming up to punch robots is not realistic or culturally accurate

helo plis mke movi gr8


>proto-european spirituality no longer common
>lemme make fun of people who still believe in the old gods and not take them seriously
You're a cheeky lil cunt

>Believing in a Proto-European religion of which there is little documented first hand accounts of practices and beliefs literally and not merely using it as a tool to understand/connect with your ancestors
>missing quads by one