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It's not that good

Yeah, calm your tits OP. Go listen to Double Nickels on the Dime.

This is a good post and a good suggestion. I like that album and the way you injected it. Trout Mask? Dude...just hit Double Nickles. I like that

Now suck on my titties

Are you the same OP from last night that said he didn't get it?

explain it op

what did you finally get


>Tortured behind the scene
>spend 8 months with a crazy leader to make an album
>eat nothing but gruel
>make a mistake
>band leader beats the living daylights out of you
>band members joins in just to protect you from the leader's punches
>after several months of eating nothing but gruel you decide to shoplift
>end up in jail
>two band members attempt to flee but decide to come back
>get kicked out of the band and thrown down the stairs even and have your name not credited by the band leader even though you largely contributed to the band
>greatest album of all time
yeah that sounds about right


Yeah everything he said was correct. Practicing for that album was like a death camp, practicing all day, every day for a year with an insane band leader who will kick your ass if you fuck up a drum beat, living in a shack with no money and no food.

They practiced it so much that when they finally got to the studio, they recorded the album in 4 hours in one take.

And even after all this people call it"arrhythmic"

So kind of like whiplash but even worse lol?
thats insane, is there like a video or article i can get more into it? i'm really interested right now

I second this request


Nah it's actually shit.

i always thought i 'got it' because i always liked it well enough until one listen a couple of years ago when everything changed

one of the best albums ever for sure

The instrumental sucks and the third song is completely horrid.
The transition between Fallin' Ditch and Sugar 'n Spikes pisses me off every God damn time.
How can you enjoy an album like this?
Where's the rhythm, where's the good melodies.
I couldn't name you one good song in it.

Go to the Trout Mask part.

Van Vliet wanted the whole band to "live" the Trout Mask Replica album. The group rehearsed Van Vliet's difficult compositions for eight months, living communally in their small rented house in the Woodland Hills suburb of Los Angeles. With only two bedrooms the band members would find sleep in various corners of one, while Vliet occupied the other and rehearsals were accomplished in the main living area. Van Vliet implemented his vision by completely dominating his musicians, artistically and emotionally. At various times one or another of the group members was "put in the barrel", with Van Vliet berating him continually, sometimes for days, until the musician collapsed in tears or in total submission.[61] Guitarist Bill Harkleroad complained that his fingers were a "bloody mess" as a result of Beefheart's orders that he use heavy strings.[62] Drummer John French described the situation as "cultlike"[63] and a visiting friend said "the environment in that house was positively Mansonesque".[4] Their material circumstances were dire. With no income other than welfare and contributions from relatives, the group barely survived and were even arrested for shoplifting food (Zappa bailed them out).[64] French has recalled living on no more than a small cup of beans a day for a month.[27] A visitor described their appearance as "cadaverous" and said that "they all looked in poor health". Band members were restricted from leaving the house and practiced for 14 or more hours a day.

John French's 2010 book Through the Eyes of Magic describes some of the "talks", which were initiated by his doing such things as playing a Frank Zappa drum part ("The Blimp (mousetrapreplica)") in his drumming shed, and not having finished drum parts as quickly as Beefheart wanted. French writes of being punched by band members, thrown into walls, kicked, punched in the face by Beefheart hard enough to draw blood, being attacked with a sharp broomstick.[65] Eventually Beefheart, French says, threatened to throw him out an upper floor window. He admits complicity in similarly attacking his bandmates during "talks" aimed at them. In the end, after the album's recording, Beefheart ejected French from the band by throwing him down a set of stairs, telling him to "Take a walk, man" after not responding in a desired manner to a request to "play a strawberry" on the drums. Beefheart replaced French with drummer Jeff Bruschel, an acquaintance of Hayden. Referred to as "Fake Drumbo" (playing on French's drumset) this final act resulted in French's name not appearing on the album credits, either as a player or arranger. Bruschel toured with the band to Europe but was replaced by the next recording.

holy fuck. i really liked the album before but now my appreciation for it is through the roof.

>Where's the rhythm
>what is polyrhythm

>I couldn't name you one good song in it
Moonlight On Vermont is the most accessible if that's what you're searching for

also, what's wrong about he transition between Fallin' Ditch and Sugar 'n Spikes?

>play a strawberry

theres some info in here

can confirm op is 14 years old

Not him, but there's not a better source than the band member:

Have a (You). We good now?

Imagine being this much of a pleb

Glad to see you came around ^^

i dont like the beginning of sugar and spikes but when it transitions to that eastern ish sounding part it gets good and its pretty impressive how they managed to pull it off so smoothly.