White bois be like

>white bois be like
>pls dont steal our white woman

U mad white boi?!?!


>Black bois be like
>We stealing your white girls hur durr

No we aren't mad. In fact, we thank you for taking 20% for the team.

>porn is real life

U made black boii

>MFW women who do interracial lose market value in the porn industry
>MFW black porn actors are always paid less
>MFW niggers who fuck whites are still second class citizens
>MFW Blacked is owned by white men
>MFW baboons think they can be kangz " again"

>Uchiha Madara

>When you can't even greentext properly


>When you feel the need to post racebait on Sup Forums daily to make yourself not feel pathetic


How's it feel black boii?

Jesus. How do us white manlets compete with giant niggers


>MFW you think your first point is correct.



reminder that OP is a white cuck who keeps posting this shit on daily basis

oh look guys, its this thread again

Says "white bois"

God damn degenerate


Spotted the subhuman

the only white girls who fuck black guys are sluts anyway. Wouldn't wanna touch one of them with a 39.5 foot pole. Probably got HIV and shit too.

These threads are confusing, its like you think porn = real life. I mean, I could find a video of a girl fucking a dog in a 5 minute google search but that doesn't mean dog's are taking the white woman.

You should really get out of the basement sometime and stop basing your world view on what you see in porn.

Calling all black people niggers is unnecessary and racist. Just because one jew comes and shit posts on your image board doesn't mean all black people actually believe this shit. If you actually believe this shilling bullshit you are a nigger.

>everything that disagrees with me is edgy

>come from Sup Forums to have a break from madness to see if Sup Forums is still Sup Forums
>mfw Sup Forums is still Sup Forums

>Sup Forums

Porn is just scripted movie where women fuck men with big dicks for money and nothing else.
You live just in a fantasy make by the jews.
In reality white men will still be the superior ones.

Top kek