Tell me everything you know about WWI and WWII

Tell me everything you know about WWI and WWII

Hitler did nothing wrong it was the Jew's fault

WWl was the first one WWll was the 2nd

Napoleon and kim jong un

biggest lie ever told

mostly chinese and soviets died

Guess you also think the Earth is flat too.

WWI was a war for jew interest who kill millions of non jew and WWII in germany was a revolution against the jew who commit so much crimes and kill billions

us invaded europe to stop the soviets from taking it

>Tell me everything you know about WWI and WWII

How much time do you have?

japan only wanted retaliation for embargos

The one with the orcs or the one with hitler. Cant seem to keep them apart

America won

The good guys lost.

Jews did Pearl Harbor

pew pew BOOOOOOM (x2)

Unit 731


The Holocaust is a myth.

World War 1 happened before World War 2. That's why we call the first one World War 1 and the second World War 2. If we ever face another world war, It could just be called World War 3. Hope it helped!

WWI shot first

French soldiers shot a polish refugee girl by accident in front of my dads house in 1945, last days of the war, south germany

well that's not surprising they shot a little girl, she probably scared the shit out of them, those pussies

Germans love starting shit.

Aaah, and I rember, my music teacher had to eat honey w/out bread, as a small boy. He still hates honey.

america were cunts still cunts :/

>mutilated cock

dis shekkle master's gran daddy started a bank, and he robbed everyone .. then when people wanted to throw him outa the country he started a news agency producing propaganda 24/7 that 6gazzilion members of his family was murdered...

Germany was actually PUSHED into the war by Winston Churchill, who enraged the polacks who then attacked a radio station in germany. Of course, Germany had to defend itself and then everyone screamed war.
Read that in a book.

Thanks to germany's V2 rocket science shit we have cool jet fighters and space rockets

6 Million doesn't make sense

So, you don't know anything

i think the germans were involved in it

WWI was much more brutal for the soldiers
WWII was much more brutal for everyone else

Germans were butthurt about stuff and started each one.

Japs wanted to see who had the bigger dick...It ended up being America


this gets me every time
