Klonopin and oxycodone. Best antianxiety mis ever. 1

Klonopin and oxycodone. Best antianxiety mis ever. 1
My klonopin, 30-40 mg oxy. And and a Red Bull. Can take on the fuckin world.


Fuck off junkie

i've been taking 45-60mg of hydro every few hours for a week! I don't go outside

lol crackhead

Blah blah. Troll elsewhere.

I used to snort heroin for a year or so and loved every minute of it. Quit when my dealer got bagged and didn't even think twice.

Is the high from oxy anything similar to H....I had two k-pins with some beer once and blacked out bad.

you are weak. go live in Syria.

That's a lot bro. Do you feel good though?

or you could just smoke weed faggot

>Quit when my dealer got bagged and didn't even think twice.
> didn't even think twice.

damn son you won the lotto

Oxy is pretty similar but weaker on a mg to mg basis. Gotta consider though dope is cut god knows how many times before it reaches you. Oxy is also a much more productive, uplifting high while still providing the nods you crave. And you know what you're getting every time you take a pill.


I wish I could man but I'm on probation. I have scripts for oxy, xanax and k pin so I can take as I please. Also weed gives me anxiety unfortunately.

FLIP over the 80's faggot. You and I both know, this is a dream post you faggot.

>And you know what you're getting every time you take a pill.

hat's not necessarily true. bad guys are making convincing fakes with fentanyl. pretty sure those killed Prince

inb4 nigger so nothing of value was lost

They're ops. No denying. Never snorted em anyways. Eating half and taking a k pin is exactly what I want

i have the same brand kpinz

also these

Nah these are from scrips. My buddy has the ops from a back injury, I've got the k pins for anxiety

They're great huh.


Perfect combo. I like weed to top it all off.


i usually take this combo when I'm on a long flight or something
my image didn't upload

Wash your hands, faggot

you try greasing the steam powered dildos all day ad see if you dont need an oxy when you get home

Do what now

you heard me

Damn dude 11mgs of clonazepam is a lot. I hope you're not taking that much everyday. Ever experienced benzo withdrawal? Worst kind of hell I've ever experienced, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

yeah its a lot but not for a real nigga like me