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OP is a faggot

uuuuum.... uuuhhhm... SHIT!

my last dubs


I do what I want.

Today i was driving my car, and by car i mean car-dboardbox with weels painted on it And i came across an old woman. And she was carrying the most beautiful shiny toaster i had ever seen. So i stoppt my car-boardbox i got out and i said *exuse me miss that-that toaster is marvelous, i was wondering if i could pay you for it* and she said * Nouw iz nut for sale its mah toester im nut selin it to anibudy*. And i said *Miss i.. i implore i need that toaster, its so, so beautiful, i want to stick my...genitaila in it. And she said *WAHAHAHAHA* and i said *oh wow that-that wasent, i dont think that was english or any human language i think you just barked like a dog* and she said *WABBABA BUE* and i said *I dont know what you are saying but, im going to break your neck, if you dont give me that toaster you fucking bitch* and she was like *BADUPADAUQUQWU*. And then i murderd her, i murded her for that shiny toaster, and i fucked the shit out it later that night. I made that toaster my bitch.

OP is a faggot


Traps are gay

>inb4 OP is a faggot


Prove I haven't posted twice nigger

>tfw no gf


what should I be doing right now?

So I was going to the grocery store and I was tired so I slept. 10/10 FIUCKSGBNOWAGHOUIWHGTOWBGIUWahbgipolAWOYLYRIWhgr






Transgendered fagtard fuckface


look at dem trips



quads please




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taxation is theft




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If OP doesn't reply then pic is related

Im a tits guy

Three times


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