I'm sooooooo high right now. Opiates are the best drug period. Followed by benzos. Also, general drug thread

I'm sooooooo high right now. Opiates are the best drug period. Followed by benzos. Also, general drug thread.

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Wow, a degenerate on Sup Forums, I never would have expected

Shocker right? I really am a degenerate too. Not good for anything. But I love life so KYS isn't an option. At least not on purpose.

benzos are shit unless you actually need them there's no 'high' to them at all

but opiates are dope

That's pathetic, you're pathetic.
Make something of yourself.

It depends on the benzo. I find klonopin and Ativan to be quite euphoric. On xanax I don't feel any different and just black out

i tried to buy some coke tonight, but my assigned dealer was such a lazy paranoid asshole i gave up.

i get 120 10mg hydrocodones a month for my fractured spine. been on that for about 4 years now.

i decided to quit, ive almost completed day 5. the digestive issues they cause me have exceeded the relief to my spine.

im on methadone, been for years, ran out this weekend is gonna fucking suck

Yikes man hope you have some milk of magnesia handy. Toss them hydros my way haha

not true, just depends on the benzo and how your body reacts. Ativan sucks for me, Klonopin and Diazepam is good and Xanax is boring but i know a lot of people who lovee it, Rohypnol is the best.


i only take benzos to get drunker when low on money

yea i was prescribed alprazolam tried to get 'high' off them plenty of times but just wind up passing out for 12 hours and a little shaky in the morning never had fun with them

Man I seem to be one of the few who LOVE Ativan. I fucking love it. It's so spacey and can be kind of trippy (not in a psychedelic sense) on the right dose. Plus they're one of the few benzos you can sort with great effect.

Take cid you bish and get yo life together dawg!

word i just never enjoyed them much same with weed

dopest is my go to

life is the only drug I need

please and thank you

my doctor offered me suboxone to help with the withdrawls, but i just wanted to be done. im just trying to exercise a lot and taking warm baths to get this shit out of my system.

it was a good time to quit. baseball season started and im watching like 3 games a day.

I don't get why xanax is so popular although I will admit they're great for sleep and work quick. And they're the most bad ass looking pills ever.

Bout to finish smoking one of these babies. Oh man the euphoria.

i never understood it either i mostly just gave my script out to people at work but guess i just enjoy the euphoric highs

Took acid last night for first time with a lady friend. Not sure how but my hand found its way down her shorts and feeling her all over but then she wanted to sleep. Must finish what has been started.
Also can't get spongebob credits song out of my head


Shit I mean if someone offers em to me at a fair price I'll snatch em. They're great for comedowns or sleepless nights, or if I'm really pissed off. Much rather float off on a light fluffy cloud of Ativan though lol

Dopest for me tonight no work today or tomorrow

I've been prescribed xanax, ativan, kpin, valium, temazepam, loprazolam, and oxazepam over the past decade. I've tried all of the above recreationally at some point, and none give anything that could be reasonably described as a "high".

Nonbenzodiazepines absolutely give a high, but benzos do not.

Use benzos to take the edge off other drugs, to sleep, or for anxiety. That's literally all they're good for. If you think otherwise, that's either an outrageously low tolerance or placebo talking.

All drugs are stupid. Been sober 198 days off of weed, alcohol and opiates (heroin and oxycodone). Fun at first, but only at first.

I mostly agree, but really? Not even temazepam? And by non benzos do you mean stuff like lunesta or ambien

fair point

i have a hard time even giving my scripts away years ago it seemed like everyone and their mom loved xannies

OP here. Good for you man and I hope it's going great! Congrats on sobriety, opiates are a bitch! And thanks for not acting like a judgmental jerk.


Yeah, even with a high tolerance I can still get "high" on zolpidem or lunesta (I prefer zolpidem because it's cheap). "High" might not be the most accurate word -it's more like being drunk without everything spinning.

I once did 150mg of temazepam and felt essentially the same as 15mg of xanax (those would be comparable doses in US)

I'm on a daily regemin of 80mg methadone, 80mg hydrocodone, 5 robaxin, and 4mg Xanax, plus Oxy and weed to taste. 400mg of provigil keeps me awake enough to feel good and still function.

congrats bro

ive been doing drugs since highschool weed,benzos,mdma, acid, 2ci, coke, dope

pretty much just do dope every few weeks nowadays and booze

You can't be a judgmental jerk when you've been there and done that. I use my past experiences to help those who want help.

Thank you user.

That said, I absolutely don't want to discount the addiction that comes with benzos. Benzo withdrawal was hell for me

yea im prescribed zolpidem too no euphoric high to it but if i take 4-5 then get up ill feel drunk as hell bodywise mostly

After a serious spinal injury and the surgery/recovery they gave me Fentanyl 125 patches x15 every month, along with Roxy 30's for breakthrough. Since each patch lasted 3 days instead of two I used to sell a few and experiment with the rest. I was FUCKED UP all day every day for about 18 months

Well if I knew yeah I'd pay you 4 bucks a bar. Lol

Oh that breaks my heart. I've wanted to try temazepam for the LONGEST stoke because I've heard such GREAT things! Huge disappointment to hear that.


did 5 grams of shrooms 2 hours ago feelin great

you have a year to live... if you are lucky.


Which bogus online article did you hastily google to copy and paste this nonexistent statistic?

hahaha right on if only

that's what the narcans for user

I used to be addicted to poppy seed tea.. amazing stuff right there.. now i just do kratom

Sober now for over a year and a half

Tonight I'm gonna eat a bowl of life cereal with chocolate milk

i haven't had any luck with kratom but ive only bought shit from headshops and never felt any euphoria

I'd still try it because without a benzo tolerance, you can at least get an enjoyable evening or two with some good bud+benzo.
Of everything I've tried though, benzos give the least bang for their cost. If you can find a few cheap doses, go for it, but relying on them as your drug of choice will lead to disappointment (and some pretty fucking miserable withdrawal)

If you're looking for a long-term, legally prescribed fun time with pills, go for zolpidem. It's so easy to get a script for, and even with a high tolerance, you'll have fun with as few as 3-4 doses

I broke my back and my leg and I can't get shit anymore. How do you get opiates??

Oh man.. try SocalHerbalRemedies online. Type in "speciosa" on their site to find the kratom. Theres a circlejerk around them on reddit because of how amazing they are.. best prices too. I think its $95 for a kilo or $25 for 250 grams. If you end up trying them out i recommend Red Hulu Kapaus and Premium Green Thai. Currently on Red Hulu and i feel tranquil. Its so amazing for work.

my spine doctors could not recommend an operation so they referred me to a pain care doctor. i kept getting new MRIs and kept getting opinions but no one wanted to operate so they just kept giving me pills.

probably the most importantly is that i followed the rules. i never asked for more than i was prescribed, never tried to fill early, always pissed clean

right on i figured that's where i was fucking up getting from shitty headshops but wanted to give it a test run before ordering online which is more euphoric the red or green?

Took a Vyvanse that a friend gave me earlier. It's been such a long time since I took an upper of any sort, unless a particularly amped LSD experience counts, which it does not. I missed this.

It depends on the strain honestly. My number 1 priority like you is euphoria and both those strains do it for me. That website is out of stock a lot because of the demand. Headshops really do suck.. You cant get a feeling with a shit ton and when it starts creeping up on you it feels "laggy" and dirty. Go over to reddit.com/r/kratom if you want to learn about the strains and other vendors.

Shit really is amazing quality. If you want to potentiate it EVEN MORE take some tumeric 20 min before dosing

right on thanks bud looking forward to having another more 'legal' option

I'll stick to my occasional psychs. Mushies, DMT and LSD, as well as Molly. Would love to get my hands on some Tesla ecstasy.

Have never Robo tripped. Kinda want to try it, but I feel like a trashy loser, especially since I'm 36.


what're guys favorite songs about drugs to do drugs to

If you have a good druggie friend network, see if you can get ahold of DXM in powder form. All of the fun (more, really) without the shame attached. Had a friend who purchased a bananas huge amount, and those were some amazing times. I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I didn't have to consume a bunch of cough medicine like a goof.

Hyrocodone plus Bourbon doin it for me tonight

Oh.. I did ask. Maybe I'll say I'm in worse pain next time. Never had to piss for them.

Dude such a dangerous combo be careful

Ha. Exactly. I'm "out of the closet" on my drug use, because I'm succesful, hard-working and presentable, and because I felt driven to live more openly and honestly after doing ayahuasca. But, wouldn't be comfortable advicatingn or even admiting to slamming 'Tussin.

I'll ask around. Thanks, man.

feel you on that it's my favorite combo too

if im out at the bar with friends and need to socialize add add coke too

Mmmm Ativan man next to kpins my favorite benzo. When i was in the psych ward I requested that shit every six hours hahaha

Fucking crackhead you'll be in jail or in rehab by a few months.

I hate when people get started on these filth pills, they should be much more heavily restricted.

For "pain", lol.

Ate a pot brownie but didn't feel it. Been 5 hours now, feels bad af man :(

shot up all your take aways already?
What a greedy user

Hit the pippy last night, was some bomb shit, haven't slept, one and a bit point, did the job. Some dank hydro weed from straya to play with on the come down. Mad sex with the gf and good times!

Not original guy you were talking to but I'm in pain management well. Get 90 7.5 norcos a month and 4 butrans patches a month (each one is good for 7 days) General practitioners are rarely prescribing opiates now a days bc of the tougher laws now. So if you really need them it's worth seeing pain management doctor. Just a heads up tho, I do get piss tested every time I go in there.

Lost my driver's license last week due to thc in blood, so i've been sober for a week now to pass the tests coming up.

Life's never been this slow

Psylocybin is the only worthy drug. You are a faggot.

My wife and I did a bunch of mdma last Friday. It wasn't that great. Then we woke up and did aCid. Cartoon world for 15 hours.

anyone wanna recommend some drugs that doesnt stay in your system for very long and can replace weed for a while

Step one: go to coin base and buy some bit coins.
Step 2: go to dark net market. Find drugs.
Step 3: transfer bitcoins to market.
Step 4: buy whatever the fuck you want.

my spine was fractured in 3 places when a drunk driver blew a red light and wrecked my car.

been on hydrocodone, xanax, ambien, and wellbutrin and drinking out of control for 3 years now...im probably way worse off than that fucking drunk : (

>3 hours until 5 days of no hydrocodone/booze
>still taking wellbutrin, and the ambien and xanax to sleep though

>being addicted to pills
>in 2017
cmon bro it's not 2008 anymore. Pills are too expensive and pointless. Roxies used to be 10 bucks a pop and now it's like 30. The addiction is sad and has ruined the lives and killed people I know.

Addiction is basically the point at which cost doesn't matter.


here mah nig

do real heroin pussy

yeah but not everyone gets addicted. I used to do pills once a week for 2 years, then stopped because it's was too much money when prices spiked. I could afford them now but it just makes me sick my brain doesn't want to release endorphin when I do it anymore. Coke is more fun but I quite that too. Pretty much after I do a drug to much the cons outweight the pros and I stop. Coke is still cool thought but pills are gay

are hair tests incredibly expensive? my pill doctor just tests for ETG in piss so i just don't drink for 3 days before

im on the same after having two strokes minus the hydros pulus bloodthinners im 26 shit sucks

>took2ml of ambien

>stayed up

>ate some shit

>popped 2 more


hair tests are a meme. No one actually does them. Maybe the if you applied to work for the CIA

Don't do it op..... Drugs aren't good for u..... They are an escape..... U need friends and family and a life and purpose and to learn what u love and see the world and help urself and enjoy the good things of life and the world.... Go after it Op.....

this man knows.

ive never had to do a hair folic test i imagine its more expensive and time consuming

only ever been given the mouth stick and pee cup and the results are pretty much instant

just bought a quarter of high grade from my man and an italian sub. Feels fucking good man.

indeedly ive never been given one

This man knows

I actually dont like opiates at all

Good luck with that. I accidentally knocked a boning knife off the counter a while back and it went clean through my foot and into the floor. Didn't even notice until I felt warmth and wetness. I don't really feel much in the way of pain anymore.

I tried kratom back in Dec/Jan. I stopped soon after, the positive effects weren't worth the trouble. Ever since, I've been getting uncontrollable itching all over my body almost every day. Takes a benedryl to calm it down. Shit can't still be in my system so I'm confused as fuck.

nothing wrong with drugs in moderation all kinds of great shit has been created, invented, imagined on drugs

kek, get rekt