Why da Korean hip-hop is so cringey?


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just as cringey as black hip hop

oh my fucking kek

I thought the fat kid on the right was a photoshop but they're actually posting up with a fat glassesfag in a video holy shit

HASHTAG NotAllKoreanHipHop
I challenge you to dislike this track
it's pretty great and I'm not a fan of korean music or hip hop

>not knowing who Andy Milanokis is

that kid is twice your age

fuck this board lol

even if you know who Andy is his post still made sense

KOHH is a japanese rapper, and he's pretty good. That song is actually great. Bait thread and shit taste OP.

>not knowing about Andy Milanokis

They try too hard.

OK I just looked him up

I think I can be forgiven for not knowing who some MTV radio host is

and also, this dude is apparently 41. I refuse to believe that. He is 15.

You can say this for anything hiphop and rap related

He's also an alcoholic that's a cunt to people. He also thinks he's way more famous than he actually is

>5"5' tall
>almost certainly has a micro penis

It's like if there was an African heavy metal band, it's so far from their actual culture that when they try to make music in that genre it's so inauthentic that it's cringe

It's fine, even when it's weird

He has a rare disease that makes it look like he doesn't age.

I listened to a korean grime song and the bloke said mandem so I turned it off

that's japanese you RACIST

I put bologna in my left pocket!


>almost certainly has a micro penis
>almost certainly

It's actually the primary manifestation of his condition.

>African heavy metal band
i want to see this

I love Japanese music but Asian rap is a big fat no from me. Sorry, but I will never take rap seriously not from the US or Latin America.

your loss
this is horseshit

99% of non-american hip-hop is garbage
90% of american hip-hop is garbage
100% of british hip-hop is garbage

Bts are gods of k hiphop



>He is 15

Then he would have been 3 when his show aired.

>J $tash
>Andy Milonakis

Not a single Korean

since we're talking foreign hip hop what y'all think of this
my country is divided about them, a lot of people love them while a lot of people go to their shows to assault them, everyone elses shares memes on fb about them


I like it. It ain't trash for sure.

how old are you?
Andy Milanokis was a big deal in the early 2000s.

well produced i guess