How much of a social autist are you Sup Forums? Pic related is my score

How much of a social autist are you Sup Forums? Pic related is my score.

>inb4 (((liebowitz)))
Stormfags fuck off

Your fear score was 1 out of a possible 72.
Your avoidance score was 7 out of a possible 72.
Your combined score was 8 out of a possible 144.

You scared as fuck nigga

Jesus fucking christ how are you so confident?

I stopped caring about anything long ago. Once you stop caring, you can do anything.


how did you stop caring? Like is there a method?

>how did you stop caring?
At some point in life I obtained a level of understanding of the world that allowed me to stop caring about everything in the world.
>like is there a method?
First step is to never use social media. Second step is to never watch the news. Third step is to then watch the people who use social media and watch the news. Eventually you begin to understand just how stupid everyone is and how the world really works.

>First step is to never use social media. Second step is to never watch the news. Third step is to then watch the people who use social media and watch the news. Eventually you begin to understand just how stupid everyone is and how the world really works.

You know now that I'm thinking about it you're right. All the people invested in modern day trends and relevant shit they can't change are fucking retarded

>All the people invested in modern day trends and relevant shit they can't change are fucking retarded
It's not just that. People are constantly being manipulated by both the news media and social media. Individualism is dying and with it rational thought.

Send help

>trusting a jew to tell you about yourself

55 out of 144

I guess I'm a social autist compared to extroverted people but I'm more outgoing than actual social autists? I spent all summer last year isolated in my bedroom and when I "emerged" I realized people and conversations are very predictable, so I guess in a way that increased my confidence? I'm more comfortable with myself than most other people I meet. I like spending time alone, so I tend to avoid others if they aren't beneficial to me.


rip me

This is normal right?




Fucking rip

Yeah, this seems about right.


What the fuck are you guys afraid of? Seriously, every question was something normal people do in society, why you afraid of acting like normies?

Im not afraid of shit, but i hate meeting new people, going to parties, and throwing parties.
>i work kind of as a recruiter and have to talk to randos everyday all day
>hate fake, bullshit, small talk

A little lower than I'd give myself.

>Your fear score was 48 out of a possible 72.
>Your avoidance score was 25 out of a possible 72.

seems about right. i have a very different type of anxiety.. things like alcohol actually make me more nervous

it's a fear response. imagine the time you've been the most scared, then imagine feeling that in social situations around people you don't know

I'll do anything I have to, but it's still terrifying.

I dunno why I took a test to tell me what doctors have already told me, but whatever

Yeah, but where does the fear com from, mate? What are you afraid is going to happen?

Where I'm from, if your not respectful with the blokes from my area, youll get stomped. I wouldnt say I'm scared, but I'm cautious. However, at least that's something to be scared of.

It's many things. Overall, it's a fear of rejection; of people taking everything you are, everything you've ever been, and everything think you can ever be and completely throwing it in the trash.

It's also a fear of what society can make you out to be. One wrong move and you're basically the next Hitler to them.

Nice numbers.

I get what you're saying, but that's kinda depressing. I read Nietzsches "Will to Power" a few years ago, and it enlightened me on the perspective that every obstacle you overcome, or do not, defines and creates you. Everything great takes suffering, so to be scared of suffering, is to be scared of greatness.

well i'm actually less afraid of dealing with violent morons, because im not interested in being their friend and it's easy to manipulate them into thinking you respect them

a lot of people don't care about greatness.

smoke a fuckton of devils lettuce

It's not necesarily a fear of suffering. It can be, although it's not always. It's more along the fear of not having a chance to do anything. At least with more mistakes you make, you can fix it in someway, but with something like social anxiety, it forces you to think that if you mess up, that's it. Game over. No more tries. No more chances at fixing. No redemption. Ever.