Actors you forgot were dead

actors you forgot were dead

haha remember that guy that would make a count down to his death everyday and then a few months later he died
fuck you


is he really dead ?



>he stepped over James' dead body to molest the body of his wife
What was wrong with this guy?


Made me check.

>"leave sauron to me!"

makes no sense mate
he was so healthy

what video game is this?


Nice try. You're not going to fool me with that one

It's called "torpor" and its a stage all vampires enter into for a couple of decades.

But don't worry he'l be ready for the LotR reboot in a couple of decades, where he will finally get to play Gandalf (despite some critics saying he looks too young.)

WoOooO, I am fine. Thanks for asking, Sup Forums. WoOooo

the hobbit was a mistake

can we please stop having these threads?
I didn't need these feels today


do you have the gif of him riding a horse on the bridge

no haha


melkor>>>> sauron. Gandalf was the Maiar that help stop him the others didnt even care about him but they all help kill melkor.


The fool is you


she's dead inside



poor snape, even seeing and walking over the dead body of his arch-nemesis couldnt bring him happiness because Lily was gone too. What did I do to deserve these feels?