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This one is like 4 years old, we're never gonna have an ending

This always made me sad.

that isn't the ending?

All because Wolfram Sparks shat himself and went full retard

You'd call that an ending?

Yep, some stuff is even lost forever

What are these memes supposed to be about?

Torturing cute fluffy things?

OP here i'll post what i got

Is happy tree friends meets biopunk meets ponies

Post gardel stories if you got them

some of it, especially on Sup Forums, but the comic above is about feels and loss

what dah fwuff did 'ou just fwuffing say about fwuffeh, 'ou wittwe bitch? i’ww have 'ou know fwuffy gwaduated top of fwuffie's cwass in dah navy seaws, an' been invowved in numewous secwet waids on aw-quaeda, an' fwuffy have ovah 300 confiwmed kiwws. am twained in gowiwwa wawfawe an' am dah top snipah in dah entiwe us awmed fowces.'ou am nothing to me but just anothah tawget.fwuffy wiww wipe 'ou dah fwuff out wiff pwecision dah wikes of which has nebba been seen befowe on dis eawth, mawk fwuffie's fwuffing wowds.'ou think 'ou can get away wiff saying that poopies to fwuffeh obba dah intewnet? think again, fwuffah. as we speak am contacting fwuffie's secwet netwowk of spies acwoss dah usa an' youw ip am being twaced wite nao so 'ou bettah pwepawe fow dah stowm, maggot. dah stowm dat wipes out dah pathetic wittwe thing 'ou caww you wife. you’we fwuffing dead, babbeh.fwuffy can be anywhewe, anytime, an' fwuffy can gib foweba sweepies in obba seven hundwed ways, an' that’s just wiff fwuffie's bawe hands. not only am fwuffy extensivewy twained in unawmed combat, but fwuffy have access to dah entiwe awsenaw of dah united states mawine cowps an' fwuffy wiww use it to its fuww extent to wipe youw misewable poopie pwace off dah face of dah continent, 'ou wittwe poopies. if onwy 'ou couwd have known what unholy wetwibution ou wittwe “cwevew” comment was about to bwing down upon 'ou, maybe 'ou wouwd have hewd youw fwuffing tongue. but 'ou couldn’t, 'ou didn’t, an' nao you’we paying dah pwice, 'ou goddamn idiot.fwuffy wiww poopies fuwy aww ovah 'ou an' 'ou wiww dwown in’we fwuffing dead, kiddo.

Put fluffy in the fucking title, faggot.

Hard for people to filter it out when they don't want it and hard for people to search for it when they do want it.


we need more fluffy vs nature





ey broski, got any more loli chocos for me?


An now fwuffy is going to dwink he's own pee-pee !

can you upload your whole kwehfolder??


Glad to see you have Jelly and Snowflake - I enjoyed writing those :)

That you hornlarry?

yes, yes, this is acceptable..


cool, still writing? my collection is mostly stuff i find here

also if you want me to post jsut ask for what i got



Yup - bored and lurking in Fluffy threads...


good thing fluffies can't read

Do you have the Stuffy Fluffy story I wrote with Carpdime's art?

Same here


i don't think so

KWEH indeed, mon frere


Oh hey there Larry, its Deadweight

Here it is

Hey dude :D

nice, i'lll just throw that in the collection then
still organizing it from time to time

anyone want anything?

Post carpdime and quickhorn

A Wild Fluffy or Alley please.

Also if you have it I'm looking for that one comic where the fluffies were shot byBB guns then hung and tortured by two kids because the fluffies were in their yards stealing foods and shitting in their garden. Thank you user.

don't have tat comic but will post alley (which is hasbio i just changed it) and a wild fluffy
don't know who did what









god i fucking hate fluffies so much i wish they were real so i could beat the fucking shit out of them.






post a link



Same user that asked for alley and a wild fluffy, thank you for uploading does a wild fluffy have an ending? Read most of them (I think) but never got to see the ending, again thank you user-kun

i fucking hate captchas

it's called red baron i'll post it if you want

Chapter 2 is "the loft"

You and me both

meant the loft, thanks user




check em




last one i have, i think there's a new page but i don't have it

also still taking requests

till then have a random fluffy

Same user that requested a wild fluggy, that was far as I got. Anyone have the rest?

Got any mwike comics?

so is this just bullshit?

don't know who made what but my comics are in folders in thispost (alley was an extra copy of hasbio i had)

also another random fluffy

Oh sorry.

Mwike is an author, one of the most hardcore ones ever seen in the booru


another random fluffy
