Why do Indians feel they deserve their own land...

Why do Indians feel they deserve their own land, own laws and free money when people have been conquering the land of others for thousands of years?

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You mean Americans

Not sure if OP is serious....

yess he is dead serious

Because this is the best fucking country in the world, faggot

The same reason everyone that went conquering the lands of others for thousands of years OP. These guys just are not in a position to go conquering.

OP: post your home address, so we can come over and conquer your house.

>Why do whites feel they deserve their own land, own laws and free money when people have been conquering the land of others for thousands of years?

If adolf wasn't such a little bitch Russia and France would be Germany now

Most of the "white" people get wiped out, Sent to special areas where they can be as white as they want. Wonder how that would feel.

Prairie nigger here. I don't have any of that shit and I'm aight with it.

Because they conquered it

Your pic is an Italian faggot.

Exactly, why are we still killing brown people everywhere?

Same reason it took centuries for the celtic people to admit they were in the roman empire, and later convert to christianism.
Same reason it would take centuries for the US to admit they're North Korean once they get their ass kicked.
People don't like to be conquered.

Oh look, op just discovered Ayn Rand

I will take over your house, you will live in the attic and thats all you get. You will only have what i want you to have and you are not to be heard, have i made myself clear?


You expect way too much from Sup Forums.

Because we conquered it, and we now own it, and we don't want to give it up. Our original homelands are still ours as well, despite the will of some other ethnic groups to try to take it from us over history. We also came up with our own laws, though I think physical money was the Chinese. Not that we had any trouble adapting our own money for our own uses.

>Same reason it would take centuries for the US to admit they're North Korean once they get their ass kicked

You're not even trying

I dated a petite Native. She had a biting fetish.

You are wasting your time and money, beg, claim, get mad and crazy as shit and you'll be fine.
Niggnogs have less rights than you, so if you don't claim your part, you are paying to get dindus in your land.

we are not indians
we are the real americans

im native and can tell you i dont feel this way, it's liberals and idiotic sjw's bleeding it into their heads. i love this country, it wasnt only the white raping and killing us, the mexicans did much more than that. i could go in more detail but bleh. my people are americans :D

gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it an 8

I'll pretend you're serious, and answer:

Native Americans have their own land and their own laws on that land because of treaties. In order to win independence from England, the U.S. needed a lot of help from France and needed help from Native Americans. The newly-founded U.S. signed treaties with Native Americans, which for the first hundred years were treaties of mutual defense in addition to treaties that outlined territory. By the 1880s, the diseases the Europeans had brought had wiped out a lot of Native Americans (Europeans had lived in close proximity to livestock and had lacked hygiene for hundreds of years, Europeans carried a lot of diseases and had a high resistance to disease). So the U.S. forced Native Americans onto reservations, but the treaties creating reservations still recognized the right to land and self-governance.

The Indian Wars are not really taught in U.S. history classes. After Reconstruction ended (during Reconstruction, Northern troops occupied the South and prevented the Democrats from re-instituting slavery) the Northern army was sent west to force Indians onto reservations. The army destroyed water sources like springs with dynamite, and wiped out herds of buffalo. Even when the Indians were conquered, the treaties recognized land and government rights (in the early days of the U.S., the new country had demonstrate it was a country by making treaties- European countries recognized treaties with Indians as treaties with countries, and the U.S. did too).

So the federal laws recognizing Indian rights to land and self-governance are a central part of U.S. history.

I'm not an Indian but lets look at it like this:
They were conquered; yes

They were lied to by the government at every turn just as any other American has.

There have been specific laws imposed on them by the government for about150Years or so that technically made it Illegal for them to leave the reservation. Only in resent history it has not been enforced.

The subsidies they receive from the government is about a 10th of what a nigger gets in welfare. They get no benefits from the government like the niggers do.

The list goes on all you got to do is a bit of research and not from a gender studies class.

Also FYI the guy in the picture is not an Indian. He's actually a Sicilian.

Honestly i'm pretty upset the Ottoman Turks pretty much kicked out all the greeks, took over Constantinople, renamed it istanbul and no one ever gave a fuckshit about displaced castrated greeks.

>trying this hard
>on Sup Forums

Because if you felt you could get something out of it, wouldn't you demand reparations? Conquest was our greed, freeloading is theirs.

>too edgy to be serious
>actually ignorant cancer

go back to r eddit, my summer friend

OP ruffled some feathers huh? Huh?

If I were to try to speak for the 99% DEAD MOTHERFUCKERS who you seem to be referring to, I would say first to keep your unwashed, lice and disease ridden bodies to yourself. Small pox and other diseases are what wiped 95% of the Native population out. The rest were killed trying to fight to keep the same lands they'd occupied for 10,000 years against vastly superior numbers and armaments.

Just because other people get murdered every day shouldn't make your murder any less important. An injustice WAS done, and its far too late to even try to make up for it now. But you CAN try not to be an asshole about it, friendo.




we dont care. we didn't lose our land. You cannot posses the land, even today, you cannot own it. The Earth owns us. The only Natives that went west where the weak willed and rotten apples that couldnt get their shit together and stop raiding people.

good night you fucking cucks, john redcorn out

They bitter about selling it for a handful of beads, and a bottle of firewater.

iron eyes Cody was born in Oklahoma, just like me. He was a member of the Cherokee Nation. This is a matter of legal record, and not subject to opinion.

They're not even real native americans. $5 Indians.

All countries are built on blood and injustice, i suppose what you are saying is that all centralised sates throughout the whole world should break apart because they all formed with blood in their history.
Or perhaps we should revive neanderthal from extinction and leave the earth to them, because we destroyed them.

Native Indians born today are owed nothing, and should have to work as hard as the average person, not getting handouts just because of their race - it's racist and an embarrassment. I guess America just doesn't know how to not be racist.

The guy was literally a trans-injun. Married an injun wife and raised their child on reservation.

Treaties in question are not race driven but rather political. As long as the Native American Nations live up to their side of the bargain so should the U.S.



fellow Cherokee brother

im shawnee/cherokee


some of my families handiwork lol


He was born and lived in Oklahoma (which is O.K.) but not on a reservation. There are no Native American reservations in Oklahoma and never has been. He did indeed marry a Native American woman. He was a voting member of the Cherokee Nation.

Where are all these handouts you speak of?? I wish I had these handouts. Native here, learned a trade and made my own way welding and working construction. Now I'm one semester away from receiving my associates degree. Fuck my white gf here at uni. Stay mad white boy.


Because people will complain and your politicians will give them more free stuff to shut up. So they will repeat this patern cuz who doesnt like free stuff

You must have at least one Rogers in your family tree as do I.


Honoring treaties is important in international relations. If the U.S. goes back on any treaty, it hurts their ability to negotiate future treaties with other countries.

Some U.S. politicians look for other ways to deal with the 'Indian problem.' Under Carter, federally run Indian Health Services hospitals sterilized Native women without informing them. The DNC policy on Indians is 'Nits make lice.'


White guy here, but I live in the Pacific NW and have a bunch of native american friends. They don't give a shit about any of this stuff. They don't care about the Redskins (football team), they call each other "Indians" and only correct white people because it makes them laugh.

They are extremely cynical about the laws protecting Indian land and rights because they've mostly been used by white people with a little Indian blood in order to get around federal and local laws and build casinos.

The different tribes stole the land from each other for hundreds of years. Who do you really give it back to?

As did the Nixon and Eisenhower administrations.

You actually do make a good point. If you go back far enough, all of our ancestors have at some point committed horrible atrocities against others. Where do we draw the line in terms of who deserves reparations and who doesn't? Why does the responsibility even fall on the descendants? Why does being the first to be somewhere grant you implicit ownership over land when you don't even have the ability to make us of it?

Eisenhower was responsible for the Termination policy, which tried to end the political status of Native Americans. Being Native American is a political rather than a racial status. Under Truman, the guy who had been in charge of FDR's interment camp policy started designing the Termination Policy, and Eisenhower let him implement it.

Nixon was the best president for Native Americans. If Carter had another term, he would have completed Truman's cultural genocide policy and gone further with the Carter actual genocide policy.

My family didn't have white names

We'd lived here since the Adena tribes, this was the area of Daniel Boone, Native relations where well. The whites bought our land from us in the early 1900s. Actually bought it and gave us another plot. Im still entitled to be buried in a burial mound on the river. (the same river they scalped her baby on lol)

Our white name was Johnson, while this isn't truly my name, my Native family, was killed in a house fire and my great great great grandfather was adopted by the Johnson family. Him and his brother. Asa was my grandpas name and Assad(?) Assud(?) was his brother. They had really estranged biblical names because they where born during the conversion era. Asa however decided to go by the name of Red Rabbit, and thats where I live now

Red Rabbits Hollow

Are you a dude or a chick?

Why are the natives of today so pale?

What are you, a fucking towelhead

These are not slaves. This is a depiction of what who the Europeans saw when they arrived on the southeast coast of America.

Random story about why im much more native than my family

in the 50s they started work programs for Natives, bringing them back East to work in factories. My great grandmother who was native, met another Native man in Ohio. From what I told he was a real freak, a nutcase. My great grandma was only with him for a few weeks.

The night he left- he cut her hand off and put a ground mole in her wound. He told her should would have his child and left her bleeding out on the floor of a motel.

She did have a child. That was my grandma. She was left with a stub arm, however the texture of her arm up to her elbow was that like a mole, and it grew like a foreskin around it like a mole.

She always told me we where cursed, and that my grandma was a bad omen.

Theyre both dead now.

Where are the dark skinned aborigines of America today? The people who claim to be native don't look very native.

>and we don't want to give it up
there's your answer


Dude, I'm a dude, dude.

In South America. A good example would be the indigenous people of La Sierra Nevada in Colombia.



You're missing the point. The point is that it's up to us to continue controlling it and we've fallen for a subversive power grab that's literally convinced us to give up ownership of our hard fought land.

This isn't a shortcoming on behalf of the subversives or the shitskins who benefit. This game is as old as life itself and it's up to us to convince each other to start playing again.

In what way?

>Being this retarded
>Implying USA is better than Albania

Idk. I'm light because I'm a half breed. Dad was niggerly dark tho.

No. The dark skinned, copper colored, curly haired aborigines are still here. The only problem is, they think they're African Americans.


Thanks, never knew that! Although it may be because I'm not amerifag and dont give a shit about their history.

bros before hoes



Here's some oc. Its my cherokee girlfiend i had a child with.