What can I do with my weed stems? I have a bunch collected, but I don't want to smoke them...

What can I do with my weed stems? I have a bunch collected, but I don't want to smoke them. Just thinking about the taste of stems makes me sick.

Is their any other way I can use these stems to get baked?

>Is their any other way I can use these stems to get baked?

Wtf throw them away

Throw them out

Melt a bunch of butter and heat the stems in the butter on the stove. Use sparingly on toast or in brownies as you can get super baked from it. Also you can make tea, lots of thc stored in stems and root systems.



Shove them in your ass and light them from the tips.

Make a tea

>lots of thc stored in stems

No, not really.

Throw them out


Yeah that's not really true. If you are trying to wring thc out of fucking stems instead of just buying another few grams, you have a problem.

I don't even smoke weed and I know that's bullshit dude

I've heard of tea and hot chocolate before, haven't tried either, nor is it probably worth the time or chocolate.
Composting would be swell nice bundle of carbon you have there faggit.

Get a Magical Butter machine and add them to some weed to make butter. It won't be a mind blowing addition, but it can't hurt.

I would throw them away tbh famalam but if you're really desperate you can do an iso wash

OP HERE: It's 11:40pm and I have insomnia. I need sleep as I have plans for easter tomorrow and don't want to be sleep deprived then.

I'd much rather spend the next half hour trying to use my recourses then bothering my dealer at midnight just so I can buy max 2 grams. (All I got is a 20$ on me atm.) You don't know what a "problem" is.

Wow you must know from experience. See, we grow weed around here, and after its all sold we have parties. One of the staples of the parties is boiling the roots and stems. But nah, we don't get high at all...

OP, from the looks of things you won't get much use with your time frame.

Best bet is to grind up and make it into butter as you usually would, but use half as much butter as you usually would.

Alternatively, you can make tea by NEARLY simmering them in milk and constantly stirring.

An iso wash won't do you any good with your time frame either.

If you're really crunched for time, grind them up as fine as you can manage and mix into Nutella/peanut butter/both. Apply this to grham crackers or pre-toasted bread and slap em in the oven on medium for about 15~20 minutes and eat it all up.

If you're really crunched for time, grind them up as fine as you can manage and mix into Nutella/peanut butter/both. Apply this to grham crackers or pre-toasted bread and slap em in the oven on medium for about 15~20 minutes and eat it all up. I'm probably gunna do this.

Do a iso wash user,it's the quickest way. You're going to need alcohol , coffee filter, jar, a lot to boil some water and a plate for the iso.
Pour alcohol over the stems in the jar and shake them. Put the filter over the jar and pour the alcohol/thc mixture into the plate. Get water in your pot and bring to a boil. Place the plate over the pot and let the alcohol evaporate. The left over will get you high like a dab. Won't taste great because of the alcohol and stems but you will get stoned.
Now excuse me while I go smoke a bowl

>If you're really crunched for time, grind them up as fine as you can manage and mix into Nutella/peanut butter/both. Apply this to grham crackers or pre-toasted bread and slap em in the oven on medium for about 15~20 minutes and eat it all up.

Im probably gunna do this.

Put them in isopropyl alcohol (91%) swisw around for 5 minutes... pour liquid into brown coffee filter and filter into glass bowl. Cover with filter/lid leaving it cracked open. As soon as alcohol is gone you will be left with oil to smoke.

>24 hr+

Fire and alcohol = noob

5 minutes wouldn't even absorb enough to get an ant buzzed, especially if all OP has are stems...

You can make a minuscule amount of dabs from them, not really worth the effort, make the butter it's gonna be weak tho

Ive done this waaaayy too many times to count. If you do this any longer youll fuck up the terpens and the oil will taste like shit.

I think op was looking for a buzz, not flavor.

when my roommate is gonna throw away his stems, I take them and vape them to get whatever's left. He smokes, and smoking would be more trouble than the high is worth, but vaping is a lot easier.

It's mild, not a great high, and usually over sooner than regular weed. But it's free, it's a high, and I think for myself personally, weed can often be a little too intense, too long-lasting. Works for me, but regular smokers might not get much at all out of it. I'm a special case.

You tried powdering them and burning that?

> weed isnĀ“ t addictive

Stick them up your dickhole and wait for 10-15 minutes. you're gonna get super baked


i keep mine in a jar and every once in a while ill give it a shake, sometimes give it a tap with a pestle then empty the kief into a bowl

Do not do this.

i stopped reading all the posts in this thread because i couldnt handle the retardedness.

dont throw them away, put them in a jar with some kind of high proof alcohol. it absorbs the THC and gets you fucking ripped. google "green dragon tincture" for tips

>takes picture of broccoli stems
>convinces everyone its weed stems
>newfags everywhere

Throw them away