Be the good guy

>be the good guy
>talk to messi for 5 seconds
>Suddenly tax evasion

Why is messi such a bad influence?

Other urls found in this thread:

>letting Spain tax 50% of your image rights income and distribute it to unemployed gibsmedat Pacos

>paying taxes

>Cristi you still play tax?
>Yes why not¿
>No tax more money for badr


>60% income tax for rich people

Why is this allowed?

Because spains economy is terrible

maybe it wouldn't be terrible if they stopped robbing rich people

That """"""free"""""" healthcare

Spain takes like half of your income, it's just fucking mafia thievery. You have to be a massive cuck to pay it. Especially knowing that it will probably just be used for gibs for muslims and other parasites.

Yeah maybe, how did it even get that bad in spain.


Worst thing is this shit also happens if you earn 20.000€/year because of mandatory social security payments.
And it will be worse when we finally turn full commie mode.

Lol I know a bunch of brits who claim disability in Spain and are getting fuckign loaded, pensions, paid leave from work everything.

Fucking hilarious how shit your governments budget is

seriously doubt it, doesn't work that way, we don't "give" anything to outsiders.

my neighbour says otherwise

It's hilarious when you don't pay taxes here.
Of course, last week our government raised taxes even more. Muhnee for dah programs and shit.

Not so fast. If they already paid social security while working here for a while, they could get some pension.
Besides, if they're Brits there is a big chance their names are Mohammed or something like that, and that gives you leftie points for leftie city halls social spending.

they're already rich, they don't need to be richer
socialism works

Funny thing coming from a guy who posts from a tax haven tier country that usually brags about how better are things going for him compared to South Europe.

we're only a tax haven for businesses, not people
and I agree we should be taxing businesses more

not true, I have a disability thanks to a car accident in 2005, it took me 8 years to get through all the paperwork and get a 35% disability and I still get shit from it, only good think is that I pay only 10% of my salary in taxes, don't believe everything you read in the internet.

>not true
Those Brits could still get a pension if they paid social security before.
And there is a lot of social spending from Comunidades Autónomas and city halls, where the central state has little or nothing to say. Just look at Andalusia or Extremadura.

joder jordi que no caigas en los memes que tuve una puta abogada para el tema y tuve que buscar casos identicos en media España para solicitar pasar un tribunal medico y no es cierto.

Apparently this how the convo went

*Ronaldo guarding Messi for a corner*

Tsu-man: "Que pasa?" "How are you?"
Sprite man: "Tranquilo" "Calm"

>let's tax the people that create jobs

Tú pedirías una incapacidad permanente y el reconocimeinto del grado de discapacidad, que es algo normalmente inamovible en el futuro y se andan con mucho ojo.
Eso no es óbice para que un trabajador británico que ha cotizado aquí le eche un poco de cuento al pedir una prestación o pedir que le reconozcan una enfermedad profesional o qué sé yo, y se la podrían llegar a dar si ya ha cotizado un mínimo aquí.
En cuanto a lo del gasto social, no me vas a negar que los ayuntamientos y autonomías suelen dar sus propias prestaciones y reconocerlas a su "buen" arbitrio. El ejemplo clásico es el del PER en Andalucía, que no sólo es un despropósito sino que además por su propia naturaleza se presta a fraudes muy sencillotes.
Y si ponemos de ejemplo casos que conocemos de primera mano, conozco a uno que su mujer es empresaria ganando un buen pico y mientras él... cobrando subsidios, no se vaya a morir de hambre, el probrecico.
No te niego que tu caso no fuera complicado porque en España se le ponen mil obstáculos a la gente honesta que de verdad necesita estas cosas, pero eso no quita que haya gente que sepa aprovecharse del sistema.

Lol you actually do though, I'm not going to bait them out but they all have slight disabilities and apparently companies are paid for employing disabled people? Or paid to meet quotas on disabled people? So for the first couple of years they were there they got a cut of the money the government paid the company. Now they've been there working and 'paying tax' for however long they are residents so they get the benefits and pensions etc, plus benefits for their kids (who were born there).

Its fucking hilarious, I know 10 brits there and there are some other nationalities doing it as well

is that really what happened, someone post a webm of it

8 years? I'm not even trolling these guys were there max 2 years and have way more than 35% as well.

Either your province is fucked or you did something wrong with the paper work

how do they communicate? does Rolando speak Spanish?

>does Ronaldo speak Spanish

Fucking obviously, hes not an autist and hes been there a long time.

tuve un accidente con un camión que no había pasado la ITV, ademas llevaba el remolque ilegal. Después de pasar 2 veces por quirofano pasé 11 meses en rehabilitación y visitando tanto el medico de la mutua como el medico forense del tribunal que llevaba el caso, ambos me dijeron que por lo daños tendría facilmente una incapacidad superior al 33%.
termino la rehabilitación y me deniegan la incapacidad, me pusieron un 18% si no recuerdo mal lo que era un puto chiste y no te da derecho a nada.
me veo obligado a contactar una abogada porque me envian una carta denegando mi solicitud de pasar siquiera un tribuna medico (sabía que fallaría las pruebas facilmente), me decían que dentro de otros 2 años podría nuevamente volver a solicitar la incapacidad.
la abogada movió tierra para sacar casos identicos porque una vez que hay un caso semejante al tuyo a los demas no se les puede denegar lo mismo, descubrimos que después de lo de la crisis el gobierno estaba denegando absolutamente todo en lo que se refería a incapacidades a no ser que fueran casos muy bestias.
al final y despues de mucha mierda tengo un 35% y gracias a la abogada una indemenización de 36 mil euros por accidente (pagados por la mutua del contrario, del gobierno no recibes una mierda). El caso que se refieren sobre ciudadanos extranjeros es todavía peor ya que sus casos los catapultan de inmediato a las autoridades de su pais para que se hagan cargo ellos de su caso, te aseguro que ven un guiri y su expediente se va de la pila de casos en seguida, que paguen impuestos o que hayan trabajado un par de años se lo pasan por donde no brilla el sol, ademas y como te dije el tema esta en conseguir un minimo de 33% de incapacidad que es cuando te dan beneficios fiscales, para llegar ahi (como en mi caso) te garantizo que tienes trabas por todos lados, conseguir una discapacidad superior y cosneguir ganar dinero con el tema es algo que diria yo IMPOSIBLE.

How does one go about being a gibmonkey on Spain's economy?

Well its not exactly gib monkey cus you will need to work a few years first

>tfw messi will forever a manlet and will never score beautiful header

>what is a champions league winning header against manure

its a way of the elite making the poor fuck the rich over to also make them poorer and cause class wars

first step is erradicating any middle class so there's only either people starving to death or with more money than they can spend


Taxing people for being rich or owning good things encourages people to not work too hard and not try to rise above mediocrity because why bother if you're just gonna be taxed more and lose your extra income? You're either rich from the beginning and you can overpower the taxes or you stay average.

but muh mejor sanidad del mundo

>mandatory social security payments
I know this notion is very hard to understand when you're just a selfish teenager, but you'll also reap the benefits of your social security payments in the future (what is pension por jubilación).
Every serious country on Earth deducts a small % for retirement pensions.

>PK7 is a tax cheat
>Suddenly it's okay
Typical cancerous hypocrites
Considering who he plays for he'll get a slap on the wrist in comparison

just go with the flow of memes laddy lad

T. Oligarch

everything is OK with us except for tripfags, you disgusting attention whoring cunt.

>tfw I work a job fully on the internet so if Australia ups its current tax laws Im just gonna move to Singapore or Cyprus and continue doing the same thing


Because adapted socialism applied to your country with sparks of capitalism is the GOAT economy and political system.

My country literally was saved from the hades thanks to this.

Is not the fault of the scheme that some retards call themselves ¨left-wing¨ in some countries like yours, and do shit.

really made me think

Any portuguese can communicate with someone fluent in spanish

where were you when Ronaldo was declared saint once again?
i was at home, eating borch when Mairo called
'ronaldo is saint'
and you???

Social security is literally a ponzi scheme. The elites know this, and that's why they're promoting mass immigration.

The EU had already put western europe in debt for "neoliberal post-communism boom" meme and the Euro-meme meant Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Greece could have the same thing happen to their economies.

what an idiot. Most people in top positions didn't lift a finger their whole life. Rich people deserve to be taxed.

ABCR7 btfo