You fucking pussy britfags wouldn't know a manly sport if it hit you in the face

You fucking pussy britfags wouldn't know a manly sport if it hit you in the face.

Rugby < Football

Other urls found in this thread:

maybe put full body plate armour before game to not hurt your gay ass

I'm not a Brit, but it would take a fucking moron not to realize that rugby is far more violent and manly than football is.

Obvious b8

OP is retarded. He need some milk

Honestly, retard level bait



hell no
>rugby only run, no long passes
>football long passes = clashes at 35km/h

you just can't compare both
football >>>>>>>>>> rugby fags (also most of the rugby players are gay, that's a fact)

Football >>>>>>>>>> Rugby

Im american and i disagree with this

in pink is a french team not a fucking roastbeef, you un-cultured amerifag.

you posting your fantasy man?

prove to me football is for faggots

pro tip: you can't

>American Handegg
20 minutes of play 90 minutes commercials and dumb commentary
80 minutes of fun


Whatever you say......


I swear i tried 10 times to watch an american football match. It was impossible to sustain.

same here, but I learn the rules, and now is the best sport for me, not amerifag

learn the rules, you will love it


America is a fucking joke
Eggball a break ever two mins so the fat fucks can rest
Baseball overhyped autistic special rounders

I sometimes find the NFL interesting on a tactical level, but as a spectator sport it's too slow and without flow, not to mention the fucking commercials if watching from home.

The NFL players have no real endurance due to the stop star nature of the game, unlike Rugby Union or Rugby League players who have to keep moving for almost the entirety of the game. This is why the NFL has so many fat fucks on the field.
I really don't know how American's can sit watching this game for over 3+ hours for only an average of 11 mins of game time. For me to watch this sport you have to record it on your PVR so you can skip all the bullshit and save 2+ hours of your day.

Lacrosse is a real mans sport so go back to your girly games