18, just had sex for the first time a week ago. Came instantly

18, just had sex for the first time a week ago. Came instantly.
We tried again yesterday, same problem.
Im really nervous that I'll and grow up and be a cuck cuz i cant do the sex
How do I hold my nut Sup Forums?

Try using a condom, they reduce sensitivity so it might help to last long. Some say to thing about stupid non sexual things... but that usually kills my mood.

Good luck!

Just picture Akagi in your head, and try to follow the complex schemes so your penis becomes just an appendage you're noodling about with

methinks you don't understand the purpose of sex

it is entirely for joyless procreation, so saith the Lord

it is the chaste man that blows instantly who will be welcome in the house of the Lord

used a cock sock both times. Not trying to be a dad

Just make foreplay a little longer until you feel comfortable and everything will be fine

Whenever you're close, try and hold back as hard as you can. Do some foreplay with her while you recover.

Fap before sex.
Go down, "cuando el pene megua, adelante con la lengua" => when the penis shrinks, go forward with the tongue
Drink some alcohol (but do not get drunk, losing some sensibility is good, getting wiskey dick is crap)
Use condom.

These guys are idiots. Jack off earlier in the day before you're with her. That way you can still get a boner but your nut isn't busting to get out.


prenut an hour before or right before you go out. easy

I was having same problem, I instacum in missionary position, try different positions this has helped me a Lot, also stop fapping to porn, I can fuck my gf for very long times now that i stopped watching porn

God, I thought it was just me

Is that way 'lil me has been so down and out lately? I thought I was just getting old or something.

>the day before

Oh fuck yeah that's totally why. Completely messes with your orgasms. I quit as soon as I noticed

A combination of ssris, vigorous masturbation, and thick benzocaine lined condoms turn me from a cuck into superman, especially if she lets me go in through the back door.

>Came instantly.

this is the result of years and years of fapping to porn and porn and more extra porn.

anyway you can easily heal.
just avoid porn, even accidental porn, and have at least six months of nofap.

Nah, way too early. That shit repopulates in about a day.


Huh. Yeah, it's pretty bothersome, to be perfectly honest. Kind of a bummer though, 'cause I finally found a drug that actually works. I don't wanna stop it just 'cause my member is a bit enfeebled.

I'mma have to talk to the doc about this one.

>in the day, before you're with her

Don't disregard this advice. Just breath keep a steady breathing pace going. When youre masturbating when you climax you are holding your breath so if you keep a good breathing pace going you'll last longer.