All pedophiles should be burned at the stake for even thinking about having sex with children!

All pedophiles should be burned at the stake for even thinking about having sex with children!

Why a stake? That seems barbaric and not cost effective. How about euthanization and then we use their bodies as a fuel source? COME ON. THINK.

Best thread today. Now we wait for all triggered pedos which thier backwards pedo logic. "Hurry durrr it's normal and natural! Most adults wanna fuck little Timmy in the ass hurr! Being a pedo is the same as being gay!". Can't wait

I dont want a Pedo Powering my car, do you?

Yes that's fucking awesome dude. What is wrong with YOU that you don't?


>My fuel fucked little Sally in her tight little pussy as she screamed for help Last week
Do you want that
Do you reaaaaallly want that

Drugs cost money. Stakes are biodegradable. While I disagree with the burning part, pedos could be impaled on the stakes. Solar panels could then be mounted on top of the stakes to increase green energy efforts. Think for change.

Yes. I'm burning pedos. Yes of course that would be incredible. I'm beginning to think you hate planet earth.

Fucking kek. I don't want child rapist fuel either.

Fucking kek

Planet Earth Deserves better fuel, Pedo Fuel is diluted with stress and semen

If we make pedos into fuel, the fuel will be expelled into the air and rise into the ozone layer. It's almost like sending pedos straight heaven. We don't want that

I don't think the semen factors in here. I also don't think stress is made of matter.

Then why does deer meat taste worse if you dont instantly kill it

It's funny because I actually agree with that.

Because your mom fucks black guys.


Pedophilia is often a victimless crime. You shouldn't execute people for thoughts they honestly can't control, especially when all they do is stare at their laptop and touch their weiners.

Also - a large portion of these evil pedos are simply people that were sexually abused as children, and are not able to.move last that point of intimate development. Do you think it's fair to have a kid be raped and then be killed for being effected by it??

Don't get me wrong - it's bad, but it's a psychological disorder that needs treatment like addiction, not a reason to kill someone. Unless they violate a child. Forcible rape should be a capital offence if guilty beyond all reasonable doubt.

>cause you think something you should be punished for it
calm down there little fascist

Yes, cutting off a branch does not solve the problem, tearing down the tree fixes it.

Slow down there, pedo. I got a stake with your name on it.


Just because I'm the stake-man doesn't mean I have to be intelligent.