Yo Sup Forums. I'm lookin for a nice way to end my life. Suggestions?

Yo Sup Forums. I'm lookin for a nice way to end my life. Suggestions?
No cash on hand to purchase supplies
Just household stuff

tie something heavy around your ankle and jump into the closest river or lake.

this sounds impulsive if you aren't willing to buy supplies... I don't think you want to do this...

swallow an industrial size box of paperclips

I've thought long and hard about this, just don't have the money to buy anything. If it was up to me I would have bought a gun and shot myself already

you risk becoming a vegetable if you fail are you aware of that

Yeah, I'm aware

go steal a jar of pre work out
eat the whole jar
go to a police station steal a gun and get cop killed

kiss a train?

No tracks in my area
If I even get close to a cop in my area I'd be in cuffs/tazed before I could get the gun.

thats why you have to eat the whole jar of pre work out.
you will near a heart attack the whole time your trying to get the cops gun

entoxicate self on whipdcream canned nitros and other similar products whilst in bath

Doesn't sound too bad.

get a credit card pleb. You'll never have to pay it.

Drank bleech

Wouldn't it take days to get the card, etc.

thin bleach 90% kind at least add ice cubes stir until below 5° slowly add acetone and after stiring inhale

die a kekistani martyr

Acetone, isn't that like nail polish remover. Sorry if I sound like a fucking idiot

be in bath at time

it is

The inhale method sounds good to me. Is there any reason the mixture needs to be 5°

>no cash on hand

Pawn literally anything and trade it for a gun.

>Inb4 I don't have anything to pawn
Do you know how much a hot water heater is worth? Even at pawn shop prices you can get a fucking gun.

Ths guy gets it

the reaction makes chloroform hence the being in the bath. somethin to do with bonds between it will stay solid at that temprature you can then after clouded part of mixture settles inhale it after it heats to above 5°

Take a hammer and go to the top floor of the tallest building in your area. Maybe a hotel. Break a window and jump to your death head first. No hammer? Take a fucking rock.

if you gonna kill you self have a bit of fun with it do somethin rediculus you alwaysed wanted to.