Times where the critics were objectively wrong

Times where the critics were objectively wrong.

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I think the movies pretty overrated, but it certainly doesn't deserve a 39% from critics. At least 80% imo would be fair.

Trips confirm

Nope, they got it about right - Man On Fire WILL give you epilepsy

Whenever the audience score is more than twice the critic score

The movie suffered in the second half from becoming a really generic action film but the first half was spectacular, especially considering it had a child actor. Fanning is one of the few child actors I can name who actually aren't annoying to watch or listen to and she had great acting chemistry with Washington.

39% is fucking bullshit.

>terrible editing
>terrible writing
>terrible fucking acting from ww and lex
>terrible shoehorned extended universe content
>terrible cgi rock monster that eats up the last 25 minutes for no reason
>philosophical themes lifted directly from watchmen
>inb4 its too smart for me and almost everyone else with its fight club tier deep moral questions

this movie is absolute dreck only defended by a few special needs patients because they cant reconcile the fact that a dark knight returns movie was bad. blame the studios for forcing half the movie be dedicated to justice league, and for the terrible casting of wonder woman and lex.

this movie was good but tony scott may have been the worst director of all time visually. his movies were so incredibly fucking ugly and nauseating to watch, like an even more hyperactive michael mann

Nah they were right


but the audience score is 89% and the audience are plebs that like shit so they must be wrong

trips don't lie

2016 film of the year

it depends who the audience is. different movies have different audiences. those gods not dead movies where the entire crux is "you cant prove gods NOT real so lets teach creationism in classrooms" have super high audience scores too and those movies are clearly retarded

I agree with you on all of that except for Lex I think he did a good job with what was given to him the writing I think handicapped him.

t. reddit


Second half was nowhere near as strong as the first but it's still a very cool movie. It's like John Wick but not made for teenagers.

The young and young at heart is who TMNT is fucking made for. Where the fuck do these critics get off?

trips of truth

Literally my favorite movie of all time. Pure kino.


>Awesome soundtrack
>Michael J. Fox as Milo
>Epic adventure story
>Beautiful Traditional animation with well included 3D elements

How is this bad?


True, it should've been even lower.

synedouche new york only 68?

absolutely. Top of the list for me when it comes to "wtf, critics?" films.

This movie was 9/10

What are some times where audiences got it wrong?

I really don't understand why they needed to squash Gooses dreams.

Literally the most Kino mindless fun ever produced.

I'd like to see this just because of the Goose and the Sersh but I don't want to pay for it.

I only saw the Directors Cut but I doubt that the theatrical cut was THAT much worse.

Voyage Home is just as fucking retarded as this one. I think both of them are the only good Star Trek movies but does Voyage Home only get a free pass because of the Green Peace moral you get bashed over the head with?

This was the greatest musical movie of all time.

The only Death Wish movie I can rewatch.

It was pretty good. But wasn't cookie cutter Mahvel for the masses so it got shat on. Will be remembered fondly when America is Great Again

What is it? Or is this a meme answer?

>some may also take offense to the Pro Confederate slant

Like the candy ass critics?

i dont get the hate. its a dope ass movie.

Complete and utter shit, I can't believe Beyond actually has a lower RT score than this piece of shit.

Whitest Kids U Know made a movie called Miss March. I saw it when I was like 14 and loved WKUK so Im not sure if it was genuinly funny or just my bias. Im sure if youre a fan of WKUK you'll get the humor

That being said Civil War on Drugs was much better.


If I recall correctly Mike Leigh makes long depressing movies so it probably turned a lot of people off it.

Yeah Obama WUKU and I thought it was great. But it doesn't deserve any of the hate it gets.

What the fuck man

honestly why did this fail? I remember watching this and treasure planet as a kid and being extremely bored by them for some reason. they sound great on paper though.


Who cares.

this is a kek fest
this movie stops being cool the instant you touch your first titty

The user score for new, anticipated movies are always pretty inflated, unless its and obvious dissapointment. On imdb (which is better than RT since users dont place their votes as a retort to the critics) a new movie will often have a score above 8 for a few weeks just because people overestimates fims theyve seen in cinemas. Over timw the score drops. Maybe this will be the case with Star trek as well

I wonder how many people skipped this movie based on the RT score alone.

this was fantastic and fucking gorgeous.

Home Alone and Home Alone 2. Literally how can you hate those movies?

Man on Fire is fucking garbage

65% is about right. 80% is very fucking overrated.

Only AUTISTIC edgy faggots think it deserves that score,

it makes me sad that trey parker used to be adorable and is now too fat, bald and ugly to have the confidence act or even do live action bits for south park. COME BACK TO THE SCREEN TREY I LOVE YOUR PHYSICAL COMEDY

Might've been a good movie without the "whoah so disoriented this is like alcoholism waohhh" editing and flashing and shit

i swear i couldve sworn this movie was a critical darling when it came out. i know it was popular, at least.
Also this
nigger is wrong. Its hardly an action movie, and the entire movie is obviously a buildup to violence. Theres nothing over the top about any of the scenes. he shoots like 3 people and is shot in return multiple times.

this was equally annoying when they did it in max payne 3

fuck that game and the inability to skip cutscenes

my ass it was

those were actually load screens

i think you can just play arcade mode or some shit but you have to have finished the game first to get all the levels, which i've never managed to do because i always drop it somewhere around the whorehouse.

holy fuck how is it so low? I watched this 10 years ago and thought it was fucking amazing with great performances. The fucking dude with the dynamite up his ass for the interrogation is so memorable

I actually found that film absolutely terrible. not the first time Sup Forums fucks me over, other examples that comes to mind are event horizon, sling blade and master & commander

you're supposed to be able to skip them once it loaded, but they'd never actually load until right after the cutscene finishes, complete bullshit.

>sling blade and master & commander

what the fuck is this bait? are you a woman?

>sling blade
what the fuck? why?

It's a better Taken than Taken was.

if you're not trolling end your life

because it tries way too hard to be forest gump without any of the charm. It's some trailer trash version of forest gump, it's nauseating from start to finish
>reckon reckon reckon reckon reckon reckon reckon

>thinking "fuck this depressing drawn out game im done with this shit"
>just about to drop it
>get to THAT airport level
>it was all worth it

Dont think I got that far, is that after the whorehouse in the favelas?

>because it tries way too hard to be forest gump
In what fucking fantasy world do you equate an abused murderer bonding with a child and dealing with a shunning community to a cuckold romping through baby boomer revisionist historical events? They are nothing alike in any way besides both leads being mental midgets

yes. my favorite levels are the police station and the boat, but the airport and the music are very satisfying together

Yes like 2 missions later, and it literally redeems the entire game.


max payne 3s shooting mechanics, physics and ai mesh well together in a way that if youre actually good, the game makes you feel really badass

the critics hated all the Death Wish movies because they all made vigiliante justice and gun ownership cool

plus like 95% of the dudes Bronson wasted were black. it might be the last film series in the US to depict an American man killing almost exclusively black american men, rightfully

rightfully last to depict or rightfully killing black men almost exclusively?

>rightfully killing black men almost exclusively?

also meant to say "american white man killing". there's been a few blackie gang movies since then, of course

don't take out your anger on me, I didn't make the film
I just wanted to warn other naive Sup Forums browser not to waste a few hours of their lives on those terrible flicks

Trips don't lie.

Until now.

...then don't.

Into Darkness was flat, boring and dug its own grave by comparing itself to Wrath of Khan. Cumberbatch played the same role he always does, and somehow it felt very desaturated despite everyone wearing technicolor jumpers.

Beyond was not a classic Star Trek feature - but neither were the other two. Beyond embraced the fact it was an action movie and, with Pegg writing, gave us more inter-character interaction and development - which gave it more heart than ST or ID and ironically made it feel more emotionally parallel to the originals.

I mean if Nu-Spock had found the photo of the old crew among Spock's posessions in the other two films I would have seen it as nothing more than soulless pandering. I thought it fit into Beyond quite sweetly.