I wanted to die and ended up getting blackout drunk and slitting my throat open Infront of my whole family and...

I wanted to die and ended up getting blackout drunk and slitting my throat open Infront of my whole family and girlfriend one night.
Landed myself in a mental health facility and have since then promised not to kill myself.
I get close pretty often though, sometimes I slip into a dark place.

Before you ask, I struggled with interdimensional theories and debated whether or not my life was actually real, so I did really bad things and regretted it all, which resulted in the darkest parts of my psyche coming out while drunk and forcing me to kill myself.

Don't explore past the 4th wall man. Just don't. Knowledge can be a burden, ignorance is bliss

Other urls found in this thread:


same dude

Jeez man. Hope things get better.

>que es 4th wall
>I am intrigued

Hope you learned from your experience bro, it sucks

Forcing you to kill yourself huh.

You sound like the perfect candidate for copious amounts of psychedilic drugs.

Just don't start questioning God and why humans exist.
The mods don't want you to know.

Stevie Steve?

Couldn't cope with it anymore.
It happens.
Some people end up institutionalized, some end up killing themselves, and some end up being me.

Kek...off to google then!

Idk maybe man.
I would maybe do them but also wouldn't want them to dumb down my mind.
Which is sort of why they do experimental drug testing.
To fuck up the heads of the awoken.
Can't have no awake people according to the gov.

Some end up being insane and free?

this is made up, and poorly at that

Google only made for modern man.
Not scientists.

No, I just know too much and won't subject to stupid meds that gov try to surpress awoken people with.

How is it made up?


freeyourbrain.tripod.com/notyou.htm#labelling this page
freeyourbrain.tripod.com/notyou.htm#labelling this page
freeyourbrain.tripod.com/notyou.htm#labelling this page
freeyourbrain.tripod.com/notyou.htm#labelling this page
freeyourbrain.tripod.com/notyou.htm#labelling this page

Post pic of scar OP

Why? You really don't believe me?


why did l burst out laughing at the 1st line that would not be funny at all

you're just a character and you dont even know it

I get that it's funny but imagine what it's like actually getting ready to slit your throat Infront of your whole family.

haha you're a fucken failure, how can you fuck up trying to kill yourself?!
here, have dakota skye's glorious asshole

Have you tried smack not even joking it really takes the edge off

>debated whether or not my life was actually real
>he hasn't fully accepted metaphysical nihilism as a part of his own fabricated reality
lmaoing@ yourlife, OP

nothing is real. get over it or end up in a mental hospital.

Idk,maybe the fact that I was blackout drunk trying to slit my throat.

It's harder than it seems man. Seriously though, stop trying to be so edgy because you're on Sup Forums

yeah, that must have been such a horrible situation, makes me feel really bad, l hope you're in a better mindset now... that must have been really fucked up for you to make that decision, would have been very chaotic, it's because the other day my friend was joking about slitting his throat open and blood spurting everywhere out of nowhere and we wer elaughing but l kinda felt shit after aswelldon't kill yourself man

Past the fourth wall lol

Is there something watching me right now


Dude you're retarded if you think psychedelics are at all the same as the psychotropic depressants, stimulants, and reuptake inhibitors. Not to be a dick, but they are completely different. The shit your doc tries to feed you is the antithesis of free thought, which psychedelic use can be synonymous with.
The psychedelics actually have the chance to restructure your synapses into a more functional brain. Possibly one that doesn't want to kill itself, or even just one that can tolerate life.


Yeah, honestly.
Don't think too much about it though.

I'm lmaoing at you life too, you fucking stupid faggot.

Op I basically am in the same boat, just gotta live it out

freeyourbrain.tripod.com/notyou.htm#labelling this page

Trust the voice in your heart, all is not what it seems.

>Just don't start questioning God and why humans exist
Nice try, reptilian
It might just be that your weakness of mind and your american "education" left you unable to apprehend anything beyond what you've been brainwashed into believing without flipping your shit and going amok, but don't try and dissuade people from thinking for themselves
Your psychosis isn't common sense, your mind is just sick and frail

>the mods dont want you to know

this is true in every form of reality

This guy gets it

would you be willing to explain (in short if possible) your interdimensional theories, please?

Breaking News !
OP is a pussy and an attention whore that would do anything to be the center of attention, including attempting suicide in front of loved ones !
Also he's convinced himself that he's so important that celestial beings and world governments care about his puny little ass !

I know what you're going through OP. I also feel I "know too much" and I kinda wish I just stayed ignorant. Anyways I hope you're doing okay now bud. Stay strong and just enjoy the freak show.