The threads are all moving so fast please help me keep this thread unpopular so that there is time for calm discussion

The threads are all moving so fast please help me keep this thread unpopular so that there is time for calm discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:

One of my favorite things to eat is cheese.

Does anybody here like memes?

Yesterday it was almost 80 degrees and now its below freezing.

maybe I should have opened with porn. who doesnt like money and cars and pussy?

for the struggle

I never knew we couldn't bump our own threads

plz respond

drank 3 cups of urine this morning, my entire bladder, more than usual

A few minutes later I was squirting out chocolate liquor, a rich creamy texture

I had to return to the toilet twice and looks like it's about to be thrice

That's the best way to start a fast, clearing out the internal organs

Truly I will ascend like Jesus if I fast too much so I have to be careful

How often do you do it?




It's just nice to have a place sometimes.


to go back to and hide

too unpopular

Thread needs matt. go getem matt



Some mighty morphin!







How come most black people can't swim?