Any medfags here ? Been 2 days since last time i had sex with my gf and both of us now have some kind of infection...

Any medfags here ? Been 2 days since last time i had sex with my gf and both of us now have some kind of infection. It feels like i'm peing lava everytime i go to the toilet and i can't even masturbate no more. Nothing visible on the outside though.
What do Sup Forums ?

She cheated and gave you the clap or she has a uti either way go to doctor

FY2 here.

Have you or your gf ever had an STI before? Even one that has been treated etc.

Could it be possible that one or both of you has been unfaithful?

Have you had anal sex with her at all?

How do you know what lava feels like?

Never done anal, never had an STI before


She gave you the ninja.

seeing as you both have it, any chance you've railed her in a jacuzzi or in a public environment?
does she have similar symptoms to you
do you have any discharge (gross yellowish pus stuff from your cock)
does your urine smell
have you had UTI before?

gz on your gonorrhea

Does your girlfriend have any symptoms?

(You didn't answer about other partners...?)

The pain when peeing could UTI, which if you both have it will be caused by some kind of contaminant during sex for example if you had anal sex or used unsterile lube/condom etc. If you have cloudy or sedimentary urine this could be it. Obviously it could also be an STI, gonorrhea or chlamydia most likely, in which case both go to your local GUM clinic and get checked- if it's a UTI go see your GP.

Good luck, happens to the best of us!

You should really try anal. I'm not a doctor, just saying you should cornhole that bitch sometime.

This is why I choose to remain a virgin. I can't deal with infections messing up my daily routine or good health

but wear a condom to avoid the above

Damn, how great is this risk when raw dogging an asshole?

Just have your partner douche and make sure you piss afterwards. Anal is all about prep time.

Also don't double dip.

Thanks based medfag.


when u ate that trinidat scorpion sauzage, maybe pee and poopeepoopoo mixed and burn that tip?

pain while urinating is also a symptom of chlamydia


The pain when urinating with chlamydia develops a fairly long while after the infection has progressed untreated, OP said it was after 2 days so a UTI is more likely in his case.