Is there any positives to Communism? If so post them please!!!!

Is there any positives to Communism? If so post them please!!!!

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Cheap bread
Plenty of time to wait in line

Oh, it's practically perfect if you remove the human element. Humans are pieces of shit who can't run anything properly.

You get to insist that it works and all the times that failed weren't real communism.

It really helps correct for global overpopulation!

Everyone is equally impoverished I guess.

>weren't real communism
That is kind of true, though. A communist utopia has never been achieved anywhere.

Great way to purge undesirable ethnicities under the guise of revolution

True equality comrade's really fun to punch faggy antifag's in the face
That's a positive

Big pharma/corporations cant fuck you over.
Also free education. Altho it has its downsides too. Take cuba fir example. Its country has the highest amout of doctors per capita than any other country in the world. All you have to do is want to become one and boom youre in school for the next 8 years.
The down side is that there so many docs that most of them only work a day or 2 in the er. They even resort to hustling wares in the street just to make ends meet. And since cuba doesnt allow its citizens to leave they cant practice in other countries.

I dunno.
The Fatdemic in the USA kills way more :/


>confusing shitty governments with the ideology of their leaders


It is perfect, but very hard to implement. There is a progression to it, heavily influenced by technology and population, versus resource management.

Communism < Democratic Socialism < Liberal Capitalism (Current US) < Ultra Capitalism (Wild West) < Feudalism

If you try to push the population into already crowded industrial areas, you get Joseph Stalin levels of famine.
If you try to let your friends run your entire country (that have no idea what they are doing, specially running an oil plant) you get Venezuela.
If you throw in Nationalism and horde your resources and expel dissenters, then you piss off the rest of the world and you get Mao and Hitler.

We need real democracy and real transparency. Technology needs to improve for this transition. We need to see who our elected officials truly represent.
>Or just let AI run everything

if it isn't compatible with humans it doesn't deserve to exist

That's retarded.

I have to wonder who will sow the fields and work bone crushing jobs while all these Collage communists bum off the state.

Uh-huh. Because all the times before weren't real communism, right? Maybe next time it'll work and that'll be real communism. If not, then they just didn't do it right but next time it'll work and be real communism.

Someday we'll have a nice communist utopia because people are inherently good and selfless. Yep yep yep. Totally.

most of these things suck, but this does a good job, for once not confusing communism with marxist states.

everyone needs to remember that the USSR/China/Cuba etc way of attempting to reach socialism and beyond is only one of an infinite number of ways. Huge mistakes were made that need to be learned from.

but there is an actual definition to what communism is, and it has never existed lol. you sound extremely unintelligent

Every communist i have ever talked to will always claim he will be the commissar. They also claim they will have an easy life.

Thing is the real commissars will be Cletus and Jemal not Carl the cuck . Those are the ones who will be able to send you to the gulag. So be ready to do some rock moving my little commie boys.


This motherfucker said it for me.


Technically, what's been tried was socialism. Communism has been tried in hippie communes and nowhere else -- nor can it exist without devolving into total chaos outside that setting.

You mean College?
They are probably designing solar fields, hydroponics labs, or curing diseases. Or maybe influencing the economy with original art work.
There will still be manual labor, but there will be so many people it will be spread out efficiently.

There's a ton of positives to Communism. Doesn't mean it isn't a failed idea.


that isn't correct, socialism is worker ownership and control of the means of production. in Marxist states industry is nationalised and centralised, i.e. state ownership and control. This is state capitalism

communism is dead, thats positive

Yes. It failed in USSR because reasons


>They are probably designing solar fields, hydroponics labs, or curing diseases
Why haven't they done that already? the USSR had 80+ years to develop that under communism. Seems like Capitalism won in that regard.

>worker ownership
*social ownership. Government is social, of and for the people. government owned the means of production. Therefore, socialism.

I neither have the time or care for your no true Scotsman fallacies. It's wholly unimpressive.

Communism certainly made Russia and China more powerful than any other country within a short amount of time, despite the fall of the USSR, China seems to be doing alright even if they are economically Capitalist. The dream of communism died when Mao died


>even if they are economically Capitalist.
So they sold out on communism then?

The biggest positive point about communism, I think, is that it is currently the only form of government that could support an even bigger world population than we have now.
And our planet was never meant to support as many as 7 billion people in the first place.

yes, as all marxist states have done

that's absolute bullshit, how is an unelected state of a few thousand people controlling the means of production the same as every single person owning and having access to them?

you're rather deluded to be honest. just accept communism into your life :^)

I find it quite amusing that they don't practice what they preach. Sort of like the faggots who spout this shit at their local protests.

If it was so fucking good an idea,why did China the fucking definition of conformity(and sociopaths) fucking dump that shit.

I see the argument about "it works for a large population" why did 1,382,670,000 people bin that shit?

Yawn, no true Scotsman and sophistry. Oh well, thank god socialism and communism are relegated to the dark annals of history, never to tried again.

Population control because 100s of millions die.

That's something that happens due to bad management. Not as a direct result of any political ideology.

Sure if you are a top party member. You get everything while everyone else suffers.

You realize, and understand that you spouting "lelelel logical fallacy" proves nothing right?

You realize that you support a system that is, how the newfags say "cucking" you right. Like you're so painfully dumb, I actually pity you.

Yawn, AND ad Eminem.

>implying socialism isn't alive and well and works better than the American "system" in western Europe

Sure sure it wasn't real communism let's give it another try

Not socialism, sorry.

HAHAHAHA, nice counter argument. fucking nerd

Never said any of that. Learn how to read before you fucking post.

Well, no, it's not outright socialism, but it has a lot of elements from socialism.

You're responding to a communist mate. I hate the governments of Marxist states too, they're not going to achieve socialism or beyond, and I don't believe many of them even want to. As usual, with huge power came corruption.

Although the people of Russia were better off under the USSR than before or after, the difference wasn't really enough for them, and they wanted liberal ideas. Well they're fucked now

the fact that its dying
almost dead really

as I said, the communist dream for china died when Mao died

yeah, Scandinavian social democracy is without a doubt the best system currently in existence. Maybe Rojava too if it lasts

I just love seeing youtube videos titled "BERNIE GETS TAUGHT A LESSON ABOUT BASIC ECONOMICS" and the thumbnail is him with the USSR in the background, you know? They're art

You do realize that so long as humans are in charge, it will never work, right?

Global capitalism has killed far more people than both communism and nazism combined.

Yeah, it's nice. It serves me well. Don't get me wrong, it's deeply flawed, just like every other system, but it seems to work fairly well.

And for all the ignorant fucktards, the Scandinavian Social Democracy has nothing whatsoever to do with communism, but yeah it's the best system.

Yeah that's probably true, which is why i'm an anarcho-communist, i.e. I believe in abolishment of the state and worker ownership of the means of production being brought out as soon as possible without some bullshit vanguard communist party trying to do it gradually and just becoming corrupted

>nothing whatsoever to do with communism
Okay, keep believing that.

I love it when capitalists say this about communism, while being the same people who react to anyone pointing out the decline and rising inequalities by saying "B-BUT THAT'S CRONYISM NOT REAL CAPITALISM IF ONLY WE COULD RETURN TO PURE CAPITALISM SHIT WOULD WORK PERFECTLY"

>as I said, the communist dream for china died when Mao died
So It can only work when you enforce it with the iron fist of a mad dictator. What is the difference between Mao and Robert Mugabe in that respect then? You will still have a despot sitting on gold toilet seats,while his people starve and work in labor camps. Can you answer to me this? I would like to know.

That's an oxymoron if I ever saw one.

>worker ownership of the means of production
>stateless society

>private ownership of the means of production


but communism involves a stateless society, which is exactly what anarchists want.

We've literally existed for 150+ years and you tell me it's an oxymoron? Why can't you just search it on wikipedia and read a little on it first?

I dunno man, countless people already risk their lives fighting wars for people who don't even know their name; if you can reach this level of systematic indoctrination you could probably teach people to be a little more selfless too.

>rising Inequalities.
Capitalism isnt made to have equal results for everyone. Risk, hard work, and ability determine a sucess.

Maybe if you weren't a degenerate you would be successful too. I make 140k a year with 0 college experience because i'm not a fucking idiot.

it must be pretty great being in the leaders circle of friends

They sure can build tanks/weapons and kick nazi ass, They can also get muricans so shook that they build bunkers in backyards.

>So It can only work when you enforce it with the iron fist of a mad dictator.

That isn't quite what he was saying or what he meant.

China is still controlled by a highly authoritarian state, except they're full time capitalist porkies now instead of mao who was someone who genuinely believed in gradually establishing socialism and beyond

Did I say it IS communist?
It has certain things that you would find in a communist country. Like state owned TV and radio channels, conscription, and state owned telecommunications companies.

I like how that image defeats itself

No, communism involves a classless society. Which requires extreme measures to achieve. Therefore, big government. That's why "anarcho-communist" is an oxymoron.

>muh meritocracy

the bourgeoisie is only in the position it is because it has skimmed the labour value of its workers. we simply want to make society fair.

We aren't against employees with high wages such as you. merely those that employ and therefore exploit

Only if the thing put in charge to enforce it was a machine.
When humans try communism they fuck it up. You'd need a totally neutral element to enforce it.
Communism as it is now is "me, the leader, and the people I like get great lives, everyone else gets to eat shit"

There would not be states in a communist society, please read the introductory paragraph to communism on wikipedia. thanks

State owned tv and communications?
Sounds just like murica, except communism is up front about it.

What the fuck are you even trying to refute at this point? Did I fucking stutter?

>Which requires extreme measures to achieve.

That's true, but your leap to big government isn't. It could be achieved without state interference.

Source: Spain in the 30s, Ukraine in the late 1910s

>>You're a slave, but we tell you you're free, so you think you are

no, you're typing on a keyboard so I doubt it

I'm refuting you saying that state ownership would exist under communism. It would not, therefore they have nothing to do with each other

weird guy

Oh my sweet summer child...

Are you sure he would see himself as "equal" as per the rules?
I am sure Kim Ill sung believes he is equal as well.
I sort of wish i could prove that he would be just like any guy in charge but he died before he could get his gold toilet seat collection going.

You underestimate human greed my friend. Stalin Hitler Pol Pot etc all the same shit all wanted control and all got it using ideas. But in the end the motivation is not to be some benevolent savior. They just wanted to rule.

good analysis

Ah, I see, because all the TV channels and newspapers in the Soviet Union were privaetly owned, right?

Do we even mention North Korea? I mean, they have their own version of communism.

You could be right about mao, and the rest of what you're saying is correct. I'm the ancom from earlier so I pretty much agree with you, I believe in a different route to full communism

Exactly, if he tried being born in a rich family instead of whining he'd be better off. If you genuinely believe that the 8 richest people in the world (who now literally own as much wealth as the bottom 50% of the entire human population) achieved their money through hard work and legitimate contribution to society, you can't be reasoned with. You antagonize random groups who use welfare as the "evil leeches". Your employer, who pays you significantly less than you actually deserve for your labor is the true leech. If you can get rid of him (preferably with violence because it's been a long time since we've had a good revolution), you can finally be free.

No, they were state owned, as the USSR was a marxist state with a state capitalist economy, and was not communist as communism involves a stateless society

come on man i'm begging you don't make me explain it again

>commlism is wn teg hoverment dose stuf

you're speaking my language comrade

I live in a "democratic" society and I hate it..
Tax on everything (income is worst)
Tax on land I bought and paid for
No repayment of ui/compensation if not claimed
Wages are shit
Utility prices are atrocious
Food prices are ridiculous
Fines for even small offence (no seatbelt) $400
Immigrants being brought in by busload and taken care of (jobs/rent)
Welfare bums leeching off system

I truly hate my country and what it has become

It's a lot like everything. In theory it works great. It's a society with no class structure. No one is better off or worth more than anyone. But humans seek leaders and are corrupt so in the end it's worse than Capitalism because Coca Cola may pay off politicians but they only want to sell more Coke. Give the government control of ALL resources and land and things go bad.