Why are niggers the way they are?

Why are niggers the way they are?


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Fuck man. Couldn't watch after he raised his hands. He didn't deserve it

Killing that innocent guy for no fucking reason.
The world is a fucked up and cruel place...

Wait... is THAT what the killer looks like? What a fucking mongoloid. He looks like he just climbed down from a tree. No wonder he went ape shit. Dude was probably late for a meeting with Simba.

Why does he spin after shooting him



Well honkies killed smart ones and bred strong tards thus creating tard strength then later poke the tards

A few percentage break away from the heard.
Most niggers are mentally inferior. We all know this. They need to be controlled, and told what to do.

have they caught nignog yet?

no, they haven't

This is why you dont base society off of mixing intellengent and socially conditioned races with inferior ones


You for real dude?

360 head shoot
git gud noob

>be white boy
>get bullied
>am ugly and skinny
>shoot up school

Why are crackers the way they are?


lol niggers should all get gassed

You're talking .0000002%(real number) of whites vs 1.3%(real number) of blacks. Comparing the two is beyond stupid.

The "beast" of revelation is the black man. The worship of the beast described in Rev. 17 & 18 is the glorification and idolizing of the negro race in America. In 1983 I predicted a black president within the next 20-30 years. Exactly 25 years later it came to pass when Obama was elected in 2008. I also predicted the replacing of white portraits on American currency with black ones -- and this is also now in the works. Furthermore, I predicted the remodeling of Mt. Rushmore with sculptures of black politicians & heroes, and also a renaming of the "White House" to pacify blacks. Given enough time, all of this will come to pass. Recently a black man was elected president of the national Baptist association, etc...?

When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

In 1982 I predicted that the next year would be 1983. In the gospels of Jebediah 13-23-hut, hut, hike it states that the scale of the skin is the mighty lord Xema whom shall betwixt the dark skinned white man in a cubit of cultureless yogurt.