Can we get a pet feels thread going please...

Can we get a pet feels thread going please, ive lost my dear buddy this morning and im finding it hard to do anything but wanting to lay down and die. Im going to miss my little friend so much

What kind of dog is that?

My kitty.

I'm gonna be crushed when she finally passes.

just hang in there. i lost my bird last month. i still get a little sad but it's just human nature to do so.

death is fine, my understanding of how the universe works is that whatever we truly are is eternal, but in the physical form we can only understand physical things.

when a life dies it only dies physically, whatever it was is still eternal.

just let your emotions out, cry it out, experience the humanity - don't fight it. and eventually you will not even be able to shed a tear and will be at peace.

it sucks though, life sucks right now. but i was just there not even a month ago. it'll be fine. :)


I really appreciate the support, he was the youngest of my two parrots and his death has just destroyed me. I've been crying for 4 hours straight

I'm sorry buddy. It's never easy losing an animal. Keep your head up.

This dingus only has one good eye but she still brings birds home. Sorry?

i'll contribute. a good feel here.

my friend's kid brother has a budgie. that i gave him when was breeding budgies.. anyway. our moms are friends. they talk.

my mum says that they're getting rid of the budgie because kid doesn't take care of it. i agree to take it in.

later i find out that the kid was crushed about the notion of giving up his budgie. he's keeping it. made me kinda happy to hear.

ugh. this is how my IRN's been acting lately. one minute we're playing, then the beast comes out. i get a little mad, naturally. which i know is not what i should do.

but that shit hurts.

I had a friend with a Quaker parrot growing up that always fucking hated me. Like...I practically lived at that house, and he was kind of a dick anyway, but he hated me for sure. What is the appropriate thing to do?

i've never known a quaker. have encountered a sun conure that hated me though. the right thing to do is not react like, at all

Yeah. That's pretty much what I went with. Dude was still a prick. Whatever, Harvey. Keep pruning your neck feathers ya neurotic asshole.


Our parrots are being assholes right now too. It's normal spring behavior in the northern hemisphere. Our IRN still loves me but flat out attacks the wife right now.

That's the price you pay fagget. Just get a new one, it's oblivious you have enough love to go around.

I owned a Quaker for many years. Loved that bird. She always wanted to sit on my shoulder while I played vidya or else she'd get fucking triggered.

birds are always going to be dicks. They haven't seen the endless amounts of breeding to make them perfectly tame in most species, not like with other pets.
You have to learn to respect their personal space sometimes, and to understand their body language better. They should give you hints as to when they're done playing.
However it is possible to get them to stop being so completely savage, trying not to react negatively at all to their biting can help, and rewarding them with food when they step up nicely on to your hand. A good tactic is to pass them from hand to hand, like they're walking up some stairs.. rewarding them with food, anytime that they try to bite.. push your finger into their belly most birds will instinctively step onto it.

If you are really still having problems after a couple of weeks of doing that, you could start punishing them if they randomly bite.. like with a spray bottle.

pic: one of my tiels

Cockatiels are one of the sweetest damn birds someone can have!

I came to that conclusion from this bird and having the concept reinforced from every bird owner I've met since. I was somewhere around eight when I met this little shit, and he still hated me when I last saw him around nineteen. It's been another eight years since then, so I know I've won the long war, but he won every battle.

I had a pair of peach faced love birds that were down right psychotic man do those little things have a powerful beak on them,,, twice i had to get stiches.
I have an Alexandrian parrot now he is pretty good he only ever gets mad at me if I don't bring him toys or when he destroys a toy he gets the shit's and wants to bite me because I dont have backups for him...

you can't win over every bird, I've got a few which are just too wary to tame properly. I can get them to be on my hands, but they're really not keen on affection.

I wish more people would get cockatiels, and fewer people would get some of the larger parrots, as those often pose so many problems to inexperienced bird-owners that they just end up inside parrot shelters.

I fondly remember his unkempt rage every time I see the scar on my palm. Bastard got a good chunk

I inherited a cockatoo, that was nearly 35 years old, she was the sweetest bird you would ever meet she was like an old grandma ever so gentle was not once ever aggressive, but dam she was loud in the mornings and afternoons. my asshole neighbours complained to the local council and they forced me to send her to a new home... let me tell you they quickly moved a few months after that... I fucking loved that bird.


Our cockatiel is fucking retarded and only eats and makes one noise. No whistling or singing or anything.

We got our macaw from someone that couldn't handle her.

I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm a huge bird-lover myself.
Maybe you need to get yourself a new pet. I don't mean to replace your deceased buddy, but to bring new joy in your life.

I absolutely agree. Large parrots are so high maintenance that they're like taking care of a child. Many people aren't aware of the difficulties in owning them, so they take them to shelters. Pretty damn sad.

I visit the parrot shelter in Muscatine, Iowa to visit the birds and help out. It's a fantastic operation he's got up there.

Yep, we always say having a macaw is like having a 3-year-old with the ability to bite your finger off.

how many cockatiels do you have?

Rescued 2 kittens from the pound. Both were abandoned seperately but were put together since they stuck together. Cute as fuck one is black and white and normal while the other is gray and abviously behind in development.

Follows the black and white one everywhere. The black and white cat can do normal cat stuff. The gray one tries to copy her but everything is clumsy and she falls down often.

The black and white one plays fetch as well.

Also sucks to hear op. Hang in there.

That is no joke... macaws have incredibly powerful beaks and should always be respected.

Just the one right now.

Yeah, it's not said jokingly.

People come over and like her because she talks and dances and acts like a fool. Then they say "hmm, maybe I'll get one too!" and we always say no, not recommended. It's like people watching those cute cockatoo videos online - they see the fun parts, but not the negative parts that can, depending on the bird, make up the majority of the time. The biting. The screeching. The shitting all over the wall outside the cage. Chewing up anything they get next to... the list goes on.

Media can be very misleading to ignoramuses.

I lost my 16 year old cat this winter, just a few years younger than me

I lost my German Shepherd of 13 years this winter. :(

Feels bad, man.

you should get another, it will then start making other noises. It doesn't really have much to say when nobody around speaks cockatiel

I've lost my doggo to Chinks.

My ratto; it's been two years so far with this little goober
