What if he had been white?

What if he had been white?

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situation would of been resolved peaceably

If he was white then the person he killed would've been labeled a hate crime and he'd be called racist.


He would have gotten a higher score.

And/Or a terrorist.

i think it's funny because we all know he would've killed a nigger.

What if he had been latino?

He'd probably been a muslim

he wouldn't have facebook live streamed it. that's something only blacks do.

still would've killed a nigger

his girlfriend would have apologized and all would have been forgotten

Or happy?

have they caught this dude yet? i know the bunisher being called off really delayed he investigations but still.

And there would be riots and chimp outs.

he an heroed

He shot himself after what they called a "short pursuit"

And if he was white, his score probably would've been higher than 1.

today??? how fucking anti climactic, they should have just let the bunisher take him out

Yes today.

If he had been white, then he wouldn't have got himself caught over some fucking chicken nuggets.



are you fucking kidding me lol
