1. You are a fucking cunt

1. You are a fucking cunt
2. Does ananas belong to a pizza?


Other urls found in this thread:


1. OP
2. Would you rather be strapped to an uncomfortable chair and be forced to watch MTV for days or have ananas be completely eradicated?

>only if you're the lowest of lowest gypsy hobo tier you don't mind


Liar. I'm going to have to send you to the shart chamber and use a tank of zyklon-brap on you.

It will be several weeks before I can touch carbs again, and I won't be putting fucking ananas on my fucking pizza.

>accidentally get a hawaiian pizza
>decide what the h*ck and try it
Can't believe people willingly ruin perfectly good pizza with pineapple

Yes, I unironically enjoy Hawaiian pizza. Tomato on the other hand doesn't belong to pizza, it gets gooey and the sauce is enough tomato already.

>YES I order a Hawaiian Pizza almost every other week at my local pizza place



fuck no. anything you wouldn't put strawberries on you shouldn't put pineapple on

naturally, with corn

I always thought that was the default, desu

>Pizza related homicide

A sweet topping for a change?

>not putting strawberries on your pizza
"""""""""""""First world country"""""""""""""

>It will be several weeks before I can touch food again, and I won't be able to afford putting fucking ananas on my fucking pizza either.


Se have some "pastor con piƱa" pizza here

Its digusting

Ananas belongs on pizza. If you disagree, you're a stupid normie cuck.

sure, I really don't understand why people get so fucking butthurt about pineapples on pizza

What are pineapples?
