IM an American that believes in Buddha ask me anything

IM an American that believes in Buddha ask me anything

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How to reach enlightenment?

Change pusher, fuck off

Sungazing helps

what does the size of pineal gland do?

what did you think of Buddha's appearances on "The Hero Yoshihiko"?

How can I IM you if you don't put your username

that's your third eye, bro. a bigger pineal gland means you can tune into higher frequency god waves and.. and no, i can't keep that bullshit up.

the pineal gland is partly about regulating sleep cycles. it's thought that at one time in the distant past - back around the time fish were evolving into land reptiles - it was a light-sensitive organ.

lot of mystical bullshit associated with it. check out /x/ if you don't mind adult fairy tales.

Not fat enough
Although the way he speak is similar

Rub the Buddha for answers

It gives you powers

ok. are you sure it isn't bad, like with the prostate gland?

Wy dis nigga look lkke david blaine?

you're cruising for a Buddha beam, here!

>believes in Buddha

He was just a nigga that day around and meditated, then "discovered" that life is "better" when you don't fight the "natural, serene flow of the universe". It's a great lifestyle to live if it's your thing, but it isn't hard to realize being a dick will only go so far. Unless you're a loveable asshole. Then fuck it, do whatever. We're all gonna die eventually.

what's bad about the prostate gland, aside from you have to get to it by going up the ass? THANK YOU BUDDHA.

i wish for pie!

What led you to believe in Buddha?

i meant size. when the prostate gland is enlarged, it's not healthy.

if OP thinks a large pineal gland is good, but can't explain anything about the pineal gland, it sounds like made up bullshit that doesn't actually have anything to do with enlightenment.

it doesn't improve eyesight hahahah
it ruins it

This doesn't look like its what you want
And pie

they're probably confusing it with the adrenal gland. where you get adrenochrome.

"Several small-scale studies (involving 15 or fewer test subjects) conducted in the 1950s and 1960s reported that adrenochrome triggered psychotic reactions such as thought disorder, derealization, and euphoria.[2] Researchers Abram Hoffer and Humphry Osmond claimed that adrenochrome is a neurotoxic, psychotomimetic substance and may play a role in schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.[3] In what they called the "adrenochrome hypothesis",[4] they speculated that megadoses of vitamin C and niacin could cure schizophrenia by reducing brain adrenochrome.[5][6] However, these hypotheses have never been scientifically accepted; adrenochrome is not currently believed to have any psychedelic properties."


One day I was just like fuck I need some money and bought a lottery ticket at my local liquor store and there I saw the Buddha so I took a dime from the statue and rubbed it's belly and got $5 fucking dollars !!!
Been a believer since

that's more than jesus ever did for me.