Describe black people heaven

describe black people heaven

also what do you think black people heaven is like??

the same as white people hell, probably


Except black ppl hell would be full of niggers.

thx for reminding me that the average IQ around here is below 80...

>black people
More like savages.


Fuck off libcuck

Redundant as fuck there OP. Get your shit together


theres a difference between niggers and black people also some whites are niggers

in that case, all of you are niggers

nigger detected


shut up, Nigger

The same as whites,mexicans,asians...
A Lie

Amazing poster, this 'rasta Jesus'. actually i was once in Guatemala and saw this image, never forgot.

As for the thread it's obvious that after death the body - and it's skin color - wouldn't count anymore but one's actions throughout life.

All niggers go to heaven then because they dindu nuffina

you just fucked up a stellar joke

coachella or any festival foold of drunkn white girls

Damn it

Gotta be tough to be hated for something u never had the chance to choose

I wonder if there are black people out there thinking on the opportunities they would be granted if born white.

Hate generating hate, everywhere.

Oh come on please tell us that joke now

>acting like blacks never get preferential treatment for being black in 2017
This ain't the 50s anymore, grandpa nigger

shut up, Nigger


a big all-you-can-eat-buffet with fried country fixins and crab legs where you don't have to clean up, you never get full, and you don't tip or pay for anything.

ahaha i have this poster

Animals have no Souls you fucking heathen!

shut up, Nigger

Good one user. You just described every black person I've ever met.

You are getting awkward Uncle Tom



When I go to the great watermelon patch in the sky, no more crackers will be seen by my eye.
Fried chicken all day and gay prison sex all night, robbing old ladies and never a cop in sight.



Nice way to show your autism spectrum here


More lit than white people heaven, with your boring asses.

>More lit than white people heaven

This has been written on by the scholar Nelly (pbuh). Educate yourselves, my brothers.

spinners and subwoofers for every car in every street in all the heavenly ghettos

full of stolen bicycles watermelon chicken and fat white bitches

stop it seems you have no idea what your saying

You go where you think you're supposed to go

without a body to inhabit your conciousness seeks to create a dwelling. If you think you're going to heaven, you'll create a heaven to go to. If you think you're going to hell, same.

I plan on thinking that I'll stick around in the local cosmos for a bit and see what I can see. Then I'll try and find my dad and figure it out from there.

There is no heaven you racist creationist retarded inbred southern motherfucking sister fucker

So death is like a choose your own adventure book? Neat! I choose Naboo

Nigger detected

All the endless crack, homosexual sex, and that side/dessert shit they all make with mayo, carrot shreds and raisins that they could possible want.

you get 70 watermelons if you can come to negroid heaven

Nigger, that is just weak. Eat a bag of dicks.

stop being a nigger

Animals don't have souls OP

Neither do a lot of humans

I already had breakfast.

Nice doubledubs. Nigger heaven?
>thicc white bitches everywhere
>the rivers flow with grape drank
>KFC grows on trees and from the ground, pre-rolled joints fall from the sky instead of rain
>everybody owns a Problem Solver but never has to use it
>Air Jordans cost a reasonable amount of money
>no cops
>Tupac puts on regular shows and is immortal
>booze fountains on every corner, free access

Also, all the mixtapes