What the fuck is on my leg Sup Forums has now evolved to what the fuck is on my body Sup Forums

What the fuck is on my leg Sup Forums has now evolved to what the fuck is on my body Sup Forums


Its on my ass now guys i'm getting worried

Oh wow you got smegma

Its so fucked up I just might

thats the last chance bro, take a gun and blow ur brain

Its Ultra Super Aids, u gotta cut off ur leg

I have a suggestion. How about instead of asking faggots on Sup Forums you actually go see a doctor.


They gave me antibiotics but didn't know what it was. Woke up today and its spreading more even after taking first day of meds

Looks like erysipelas

If you ever began to feel dizzy or feel oppression/difficulties to breath, emergencies asap


Psoriasis maybe?

Again, go to a doctor. Could be some sort of an allergic reaction perhaps.

Looks like cellulitis

Anibiotics works after 3 days i think. Maybe allergic reaction?

Prolly cellulitis

go to a doctor ASAP if you want to keep your leg

looks like eczema

Could be parasites. Any more on your feet? Any unexplained weight loss or nausea?

You got that Ebola my man.

Cough on your dick then make sweet ebola-ridden love to all the ladies.

Yeah, looks kinda like poison ivy or something like that, combined with the fact that you may be more sensitive to it. Maybe something your allergic too. Go to your primary care doctor, then maybe an allergist.

This. Try to take a bath in order to clean any grease on your body and do not apply any cream or lotion after getting out of the shower. If it starts becoming scale-ish or kinda dry/powder like, its probably psoriasis

ITT: Dr. Google

Go back to the doctor tomorrow if it's still getting worse.

In the meantime, take a couple pills of benadryl.

It almost looks fungal. You could try washing a SMALL spot that has a rash with a dandruff shampoo (selson blue, don't use the one with menthol), or use an athlete's foot cream on a small spot.

It looks like a jelly fish stung you.

Go se a doctor you stupid fuck

Shower not bath, bath you would be sitting it the shit getting it all over your body. Also, in my experiences, psoriasis doesn't spread/evolve over night like OP said. Could be wrong, or it could be much more aggressive than I've ever come across. Still though, without seeing OP in person we can only guess.

Nah, it's just subdermal bacteriosis. Rub some ralgex on there and it'll be gone by morning.

But isn't psoriasis usually big scabs and flaky skin? This is just redness that looks like some sort of an allergic reaction

Poison ivy

Immediately get in the escape capsule and leave the ship, no reason to let others die.

I had this shit from the looks of it. But mine got worse. Ended up getting a sore in the center and the hair was literally just pulling right out at the slightest touch. Spread to a few spots and started looking dry but evolved to look like yours. Itchy as FUUUUUCK. Spread to my hands but they were just red spots all over. Would pulse with my heart beat. Crazy looking. Doctor never knew what it was. Staph infection maybe. Scariest fucking time of my life. Antibiotics and cream and I was fine though.