Come on Sup Forums. It's cherry

Come on Sup Forums. It's cherry.

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I do not understand the meaning of this scene.

I'll take your cherry, luthor

The jolly rancher is cherry flavored.


lex has the government literally eating out of his hands.

it was a power play, like everything lex does.

It was a very homoerotic way to portray it.

It's also a setup for how Lex respects no one's personal space. Through the whole movie, he's shown to be a violator. Even his scene going to the Scout Ship highlights it. Everyone else is wearing cleansuits. This asshole shows up in a suit, a polo, and sneakers. Lex touches you; you don't touch Lex. Notice how he reacts when Senator Finch reaches out and stops him from drumming his fingers. He reacts like a dog about to snap.

The payoff is that even when he believes he's got Superman hook, line, and sinker, he still can't bring himself to touch him, He pretty clearly wants to, but he just doesn't quite dare.

Bad guys in Zach Snyder movies are gay
It's a metaphor for communion as well

Isn't Lex supposed to be a cool villain, like a suave machiavellian kind of man's man? Like an evil Tony Stark or some shit.

Of all the problems Batman Vs. Superman had his casting and portrayal was the oddest fucking choice that movie made.

The Martha bullshit has nothing compared against even 5 seconds of this fucker on screen.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Eisenjew as lex was brilliant

>a file

too bad they didn't make it apple flavored, instead of cherry. probably too heavy handed as it was

he opens the paper and it cuts to the fingerprint being peeled off, lex force feeds humanity doomsday

>It's also a setup for how Lex respects no one's personal space. Through the whole movie, he's shown to be a violator. Even his scene going to the Scout Ship highlights it. Everyone else is wearing cleansuits. This asshole shows up in a suit, a polo, and sneakers. Lex touches you; you don't touch Lex. Notice how he reacts when Senator Finch reaches out and stops him from drumming his fingers. He reacts like a dog about to snap.
>The payoff is that even when he believes he's got Superman hook, line, and sinker, he still can't bring himself to touch him, He pretty clearly wants to, but he just doesn't quite dare.

I hate smart comments like this

It's not a powerplay, it's him being extremely fucking autistic.

Yes but it doesn't mean that every iteration has to be set in stone.

His main characteristics; cold, calculated, genius are all in play

oh shit.

goddamn, pure, unapologetic kino

just inject that shit in my veins

I agree that it was a bad choice for Lex, but I went into this film with 1/10 expectations and immediately realized that Eisenberg was not at all normal Lex. I accepted that and he actually was the most enjoyable part of the movie for me, in a ridiculous Green Goblin sort of way.

Obviously "enjoyable part of a shit movie" is not what they were shooting for but given there was no saving BvS I'm glad he was fun.

That's a popular misconception. Hackman's performance in the old Donner films predates Lex's update to slick, corporate tycoon by nearly a decade. Prior to that, Lex had always been portrayed in the comics as your stereotypical lab-coat-wearing mad scientist type out to conquer the world.

This is an attempt to bring Lex's character into the 21st century, and quite frankly, I like it.

>Isn't Lex supposed to be a cool villain, like a suave machiavellian kind of man's man?

No. Like at all. Most lex's are manlets, others were fat, he is in general not a good looking guy, not ugly either, but lex in general isnt "suave", he is just a really smart guy that is also a huge huge cunt that nobody really likes.

The utter contempt and hatred towards Superman that Lex displays on the helipad is full stop the best the character has ever been portrayed.

Eisenlex may be more idiosyncratic, but his motivations, actions and beliefs are easily the most accurate to Lex Luthor as compared to any prior live action incarnation.

Hackman's and Cat guy were great. I HATED this lex, but that's a good thing, it has been years since i really wanted the bad guy to truly die and suffer, this new Lex is an absolute cunt that you want to hit in the face.

I can get behind that, honestly I never followed DC very closely and just had a vision of what Lex was like.

Making him a sniveling, awkward, but powerful, Mark Zuckerberg type is kind of befitting. I just hated watching him be that fucking cringeworthy on screen.


He was played wonderfully. The moment when he loses his cool when the senator refuses him was brilliant acting

As much as I enjoyed Eisenberg, I still say the best part of Lex was his theme.

This scene is so fucking hilarious. What the Hell was Snyder thinking??

He was jerking off as he was directing it.

Mein negger

Sounds a bit like supes theme


I loved the song it was so in your face, like mocking Superman's and Batman, it felt like the music added a lot to Lex's sense of selfimportance.

It is. The melody is Supes's main theme with the bars reversed. It's kind of brilliant, honestly.

I picked up on that, too. It's kind of grandiose and self-important, which is pretty much Lex in a nutshell.

And on that note, I'm out for the night. Great talking to everyone.

Aye. It puts his throwing photos of his captive mother in perspective, too. I liked the pretentiously nonchalant spite as he flipped 'em on a dejected superman.
Really liked the character and performance overall. Childish and visceral.

If he had have an aussie accent he would had been just like i imagine most aussie posters


I love these small details. I didn't notice this whilst watching the movie but this makes perfect sense