What did hitler do wrong? how did he lose the war?

what did hitler do wrong? how did he lose the war?

Just by luck. Americans attacked their weakest spots first

Bad weather.

He fucked with the Russians.

the same way every other empire fell. they attacked russia

History buff here. Unfortunately Hitler left the attack of Dunkirk too late. Rumor was her gave the troops a day off before pushing in, which gave Britain time to evacuate.

Not a fatal move by any but a big hit if he'd have taken Britain he'd have been able to better defend against American forces.

A long shit but not impossible as Britain's army was small for the time.

If he'd just left stalin alone and used him as an allie then wiped him out we'd all be better off and be German.

I read it was because he had to bail out italy in africa it weakened him in europe

Supply lines into Caucasus became too long. Could not keep armies supplied. Needed to capture Azerbaijan oil to fuel Wehrmacht but failed to reach that objective.

Basically Germany lost the war because they, literally, ran out of gas.

Should have thrown everything he had at Russia to begin with instead of fucking around with Europe

WWII ends with Hitler the king of Asia

starting a multi front war, and bad weather. Heavy fog at Dunkirk prevented the Germans from simply bombing the british troops into oblivion...and russian winter kinda fucked over the ill prepared Germans

here's a better question; had japan never provoked america, would asia be united under a single banner of the rising sun right now?

If Japan hadn't provoked America, Germany may have well finished their conquest of Europe and would then turn their attention to North America. During this time Japan would have had ample time to skullfuck Asia and then help the Germans finish off the Russians. Then an attack on mainland america wouldve been more viable with both east and west coast invasions occurring simultaneously...in short user, yes, and they very well may have helped Germany with global conquest

shleifflen plan was pretty shit IMO

we all know hitler did nothing wrong

nigga wat, this aint ww1

He invaded Russia at the wrong time

how probable was russia to help the allies had germany not attacked them?

he invaded Russia on the same day the Nepoleon did...hubris my friend

has anyone EVER successfully taken russia on a ground war in the siberian front?

it was a matter of time IMO, Stalin hated fascism, was just waiting for the right moment

>taking the bait

>invaded russia
>tried to make allies with nations in americas
>allied with japan
>refused peace talks after taking most of france
>began killing high ranking officials
>put drug addicts in command in later half of war
>stopped research of jet engines

I let myself, and my country down...I'm sorry user

How is that luck then?

military history visualized is a great youtube channel. check it out.

He spent the entire war trying to stay out of having a 2 front war, instead of taking full measures and invading England when he had the chance, he left them alone. Only bombing them, then tried to invade Russia got stuck in Russia, and England got backed by the Americans thus reinforcing them while the russian winter stopped the german army in its tracks and allowing both armies to gain an edge and make a comeback. Plus the industrial monster that is the united states helped alot in supplying the Russians and England while even being a huge force invading aswell >basicly Hitler wanted too much too fast

He was born too early. He was propeganda'd and yellow journalism-ed to death. It was only reason the US joined the war. The US and Europe had the same values as natsoc Germany. A dollar earned for a dollar worked, no funny money, and no one benifits from the state without working for the state.

Also the jews. Go against the jews, you lose. Today, yesterday, tomorrow.