I want to get into tame impala, but everytime I put on a track of theirs it sounded like shitty electronic music...

I want to get into tame impala, but everytime I put on a track of theirs it sounded like shitty electronic music. how is this like psychedelic rock? and where should I start with them

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If you're serious this is the most retarded post I've seen all day

I don't think you know what electronic music is

start with innerspeaker then stop. rest is just chillwave with some guitars

synths and ableton live are very important to kevin's work. post lonerism doesn't reflect classic psych at rock at all

compare to this youtube.com/watch?v=XvH2sHDrLsQ to any tame impala record.

>where should i start with a band that has three (3) studio albums

are you fucking kidding me?

how am I supposed to know, I'm not into them. but the real question, how do I learn to appreciate them

It's not psychedelic rock. Its indie rock with a phaser pedal.

uh dude i don't even hear any guitars in their shit. how is it rock?

thats exactly what neo psych is...

neo psych. isn't psych rock

tomato isn't a vegetable

No. Ketchup isn't a vegetable.

Start with the first record. They really changed some of the style between records and the first one, Innerspeaker, is the closer to your stereotypical psychedelic record. Vocal harmonies, excessive harmonies and melodies, flange and phaser pedals, etc.

what is the defining characteristic of psych rock to you

you're actually right there

Listen to their albums, they're good.

But don't see them live, they suck asses.

no synths, reverb, distortion, and production foolery

Tame Impala would be good if it wasn't for Kevin Parker's stupid ass vocal effects. Like he's a good singer but seriously dude, drop the fucking delay/reverb and phaser from the vocal track.

fruits are vegetables

Can you name examples? Because at its earliest everything there has been a part of psychedelic rock, apart from the synths (and even then, organ and mellotron could easily fill that role).

Maybe now, but neo-psych used to be garage rock or noise pop with more distortion.

you're thinking of shoegaze which is and isnt an offshoot of neo psych which started in the 80s. its not psych because its not about taking drugs or recreating the experience of being on drugs or expanding consciousness.

nah the production foolery is at an all time here with neo-psych

the production tom foolery of neo-psych(can't blame them) barely resembles psych rock

i mean just listen to two minute snippets from all 3

Don't fucking tell me what I'm thinking of.

Spacemen 3 is literally what I described and is the epitome of " taking drugs or recreating the experience of being on drugs or expanding consciousness".

Which is not the definition of psychedelia you mong.

one is psych rock and the others are neo psych/psych pop.... you are dumb

what exactly is your argument?

thats what i said man. that shit aint psych rock

spacemen 3 was just one half of the neo psych coin you dipshit, what about XTC or dream syndicate? you are a piece of shit retard, ne psych isnt all noise pop turd brain

motherfuck neo-psych aint psych rock .tame impala aint psych rock

their overall classification is neo psych, but innerspeaker was majoritively a psych rock outing and lonerism was half rock and pop

All I'm hearing is "Yes user, you were right, Spacemen 3 are neo-psych, and therefore you were correct in your statement that neo-psych used to be garage rock with distortion".

I didn't say it was all noise pop, dork, my point was simply neo-psych isn't just indie rock with a phaser. It's a lot of other ways to insultingly sweep groups into a single phrase.

okay but posting soft bulletin and anco doesn't prove that, like says innerspeaker used pretty standard psych rock production

yeah innerspeaker is true. but his new stuff is all neo psych wankery
you know what man post some neopsych up my alley that is pure production wankery. before i go pick up my kid

you suggested it mostly came from the noiseer more agressive side like spacemen 3 velvet undeground etc and thats just not true in fact since the soft bulletin solidified what neo psych is in the first pace its safe to assume indie bands with various pedals make up what we consider neo psych ala tame impala

numale pink floyd

its clear you haven't listened to either of them, typical of numale posters

i gave their shit music a chance. wasted time

I'm not saying tame impala is anything other than decent but not sure how you could compare it to pink floyd

yeah my bad for comparing good music to bad. sorry

lol you're either an idiot or a troll