What's happening in France?!!

What's happening in France?!!

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>What's happening in France?!!

Terrorattack at champselysees

the french

Attacker "neutralized"

Is this real?
Can someone link it?

Clearly an inside job orchestrated by the Front National

Report of shots fired

le sand niggers?


for what it's worth I just heard it on NPR

C'est rien, retournez sucer Trump

This is a few days before a big poll in the presidential election too

Shots fired, one cop dead another injured.

if the shooter was refugee, le penne will win

So fucking tired of religion.

People wanna blame the brown people but its all driven by religious garbage beliefs.

Obviously a false flag by the Front National to get Le Pen elected.
Everyone disagreeing with this is bluepilled JIDF shill

Ce sont juste des arabes qui sont pas content...

Let the lady trump rule

youtu.be/y60wDzZt8yg. Live right now.

Oh that would be fucking sly

Yeah because Trump is working out so well for the USA..

Humans are destined to repeat history.

Non ce n'est pas l'islam, c'est un vol a main armée qui a déraper..

Shut up merkel

Thanks for the two-dot ellipsis, otherwise I might not have known you had a smug look on your face when you posted.


This is bad news for the candidates who today literally just said that the police need to stand down from their state of emergency and disarm. Only Marine Le Pen said it needs to remain in place.

Reminder: 1st round of French election is on Sunday.
A terror attack scheduled to take place in Marseilles on the 22nd was foiled on Tuesday.


france now knows what its like to have niggers

It is, record low immigrants are coming into the country in the first quarter, stock markets been breaking records i think twice since his swearing in.
He has kept some jobs in america already...
And the best part? He has unchained the military. finally no more Obamacucking

Yes because lots of women have seen success in presidential campaigns recently

Un vol a main armé a 21h sur les champs? Fumeur de crack va!

surtout que le mec il est en voiture et s'arrête devant les flics avant de tirer. Tout concorde avec un braquage.


Regarde la 2, c'est du direct, ils ont dis que la piste d'attentat et a écarter.

According to my ISIS buddies at Twitter it's this guy who is on the run related to the incident

Looks like Trump ordered another fake terror attack to scare people. Only explanation since Islam is the religion of peace and would never inspire such actions.

C'est ironique j'espère ton com! D'ou t'as vu un braqueur allumer des flics avant de commettre son bracco?
Ah bah si c'est france 2 qui le dit c'est que ça doit être vrai hein mon con!

Alors ? daesh ou pas daesh ?

évident c'est ironique ...

France 2 ils vont voir leur soirée électorale pourrie par ce truc. Heureusement que le pen est passé avant qu'on sache ça.

Juste quelques "chances de la France"qui appliquent leur religion

Elle aurait eu le seum

"non maissssss mon fils n'a jamais eu d'ennuis avec la policeeeeee"

but it really is the brown people

Found the retard. Now where is your damn handler?

Our most sincere condolences to the vibrator of Marine le Pen that will take dear tonight

Ce fdp a du se payer son AK a ec son RSA et un croum cofidis...

Islam happens. Nearly every week.
Sad times.

Youssouf El Osri sounds totally not muslim!

Can't blame them, they're so pecaeful, this guy and his friend just happened to have kalashnikov's and aimed at police in the area first, there was probably bad guys standing right behind them!

Le Pen false flag

we need french user with the firecrackers from last time


And we arn't even saying it would be all sunshine and dancing without religion but yes it would certainly be somewhat better,.....

ces pes res tades pusster wesss jusepher le fuck

Vive Marine ! A mort les Islamo-gauchistes !


Marine ne peut pas dégager les "arabes" car ils sont français... Et meme si on leurs enleve leurs nationalité française ils deviennent apatride et la loie francaise est contre sa.

Une réforme de la constituion, et on en parle plus..

Looks like a strapping young lad.

What a lovely beard

Salut Cyril et Francis !


C'est infesable car tu ne peut pas expulsé une personne pour cause de couleur de peaux ou de religion, pense au code pénale ect...

Salut gros fils de pute ! Vive la france

Thanks user!

Terriost attack 2 police officers dead police shot and killed the attacker

Web server is returning an unknown error.

what's happening to Sup Forums?

tu peux pas expulser un apatride que tu viens de créer.
Normalement tu renvois un mec dans son pays d'origine, ou au pire dans le pays d'où il arrive.
Mais un français que tu as rendu toi même apatride, personne n'en voudra et tu sera obligé de le garder quand même.

Toute cette histoire c'est une arnaque.

>muh baguette

Oh look, another false flag so the European governments can arm their police forces with guns.

It's coming, you fucking cunts.

"It is happening again"

those muslims are such a chance for any country they emigrate to

Most European cops have guns...

Surprise multicultural enrichment

Fuck LePen, la cochonne!!!!!!!!!!


retard spotted

And your point is? Police in Europe and UK ain't like American police trigger happy pigs

Donc Marine ne pourra jamais les expulsé même si elle le souhaite...

truth hurts huh ?


>fill your city with kafir hating sand niggers
>get mad at the people telling you you're getting what you wanted

yeh... probably

power hungry bitch...

C'est comme retirait la nationalité française a toute individus qui retourne ces armes contre son pays, on retrouve le même problème.


Truth hurts doesn't it.

If you can't see the point then good luck dude

y'a que les cons qui croient qu'elle pourra le faire.

No, most European "cops" do not have guns.


Trump literally did the same shit.

yes they are. new kills by police every week in france.


Terrorism has lost its flair ever since Obama whacked Osama.

Low energy terrorism, 1/10.

NEXT TO THE FUCKING champselysees

Alternative facts.

Only Brits didn't have guns.
Now they do.
Everyone has guns now in european police, and everyone is killing.

>autism speaks

In fact in germany every cop has an pistol and in every Police Car they have an additional shotgun. They just are good trained and dont shoot at every possibility like murrican retard cops (you go to college for alot of cop jobs in germany)


this is how liberals deal with reality
(whether you are or not doesn't change that)