Blocked cause some normie fag felt bad about a meme I posted

blocked cause some normie fag felt bad about a meme I posted

Why would you post memes on normie book?

You probably looked like a huge faggot anyway

>posting memes on fb
>getting banned
>complaining about it on Sup Forums

This is a new low. Even for this place.

what meme did you post?

It was a Facebook group I like where you can pretty much post the edgiest shit you could think of but there are times I forget SJW's slip through in there and foreign fuckers are in there to


who the fuck says normie

normy would be more proper if you wanted to cuck your vocab. but seriously, normy/normies? why.. why is this a word... sounds like something a 15 year old goth kid invented.

I can fix that whats ur email/pw



Its a term used by normal people to distract themselves from the fact rhat they are also actually normal when they want to be special.

Might as well just tell me to delete system 32 while you're trying to help me.

>been doing this since 07 nigger

Only 3 days? I already had 3 bans this year, each are 30 day bans...

Newfag or bait?

Posts memes on fb, whines on Sup Forums, takes the d in the a

Nice poetry user 8/8


If ur an 07 fag ur facebook would have been deleted years ago before you became a basement troll

>revealing your full power level

You're supposed to subtly redpill them retard, not go full on gas the kikes straight out the gate.

Colossial faggot for using facebook

Shitty naming


Fcking Norm MacDonald's gtfo my boardgame peeeeeee

Okay, you win. You're better than OP at getting yourself banned from Facebook.

Christ. They'll let just anybody get on the internet these days.

The only thing I did last time was tagging my friend and then this happens
