>Ethnic Dutch are minority in the big cities, so how do they integrate?
>It’s already happening in Amsterdam. Only one in three youngsters under the age of 15 is of Dutch parentage

how is white piggy gonna integrate into the new degenerate free europe?

Other urls found in this thread:

ois.amsterdam.nl/pdf/2015 jaarboek amsterdam in cijfers.pdf

>degenerate free

At least we have immigrants.

i like how they only show brown people when my entire office building is only other europeans and anglos

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>two brown gypsies with their blonde Dutch gfs


Good, the revenge for treason comes by the hand (benis) of our brown brothers,

>no welfare in turkey

Brown man+Dutch woman=tall browns

Frightens me to think about



10/10 picture and post

what's so good about welfare though? to get welfare you need to not have a job or stable income i assume. how do you buy all the things you want?

>to get welfare you need to not have a job

oh my sweet summer child

Brown people have a different mentality, they don't follow reason and logic like the superior races.

White brits do the same. They just poop tons of kids to increase their welfare check. A single fingol for example gets 1,200 euros for doing nothing.

>tfw whitey bullied you throughout your life
>tfw watching as whitey kids are now bullied by the brother

ahaha alhamdulillah, my prayers are answered

A lot of brown countries are a lot better and have a deeper culture than your shitfest of a country.

Just like the USA the response of every white person was simply fleeing the cities. Amsterdam, the Hague and Rotterdam are simply gaza strips where you go to work and that's it. The only whites that remained are either young people with rich parents or people equally dumb as immigrants.

please tell me the welfare given out are not a substantiate amount

i think it depends on the culture and upbringing honestly. the 'brown' people here are hardworking and follow reason and logic

damn. our government gives out cash bonuses to people with kids and still nobody wants to give birth. wtf is wrong with these people?

Welfare in the Netherlands places you among the top 5% richest people on the planet and you receive all sorts of extras for irresponsible behaviour. There's not a single thing you can do to fuck up in this country.
>no education, 5 kids from 5 different fathers, huge debts?
>"no problem here have even more money and government assistance programs!"

Benefits from children are not that much, here it's barely enough for their food.

i guess that explains why every mother fucking leech wants to go live in Europe

i don't know if it's a lot but the government pays out 8k-10k sgd for every child birth. additional money, about 6k-20k is deposited into a special account for the children that can be used for their education in the future. even so, nobody wants to give birth

I think a city is more representative than an office building

That's not what the probem is. Since the 17th century Amsyerdams growth was because of migration. Without migration amsterdam wouldn't be what it was today. Do you think ethnicity is a static concept?

in a lot of European countries the constitution or some human rights charter that we've agreed to will guarantee the right to food and shelter meaning the government is obliged to give you social housing and a small amount of welfare if you're unemployed forever.
Once you have children you are also given full child benefit no matter what, and not just child benefit. Poor families can get extra money to help buy their kids books and school uniforms, prams, cots etc. You also go up on the social housing list because the bigger the family the more need you have for a house.
So while a single male might get shit welfare, a couple with 3 or 4 kids will get a lot despite never working a day in their lives

never at this numbers and most of those immigrants were very ethnically close to you (other than the jews)

it's not comparable




Ye, Holland is browned. But Holland is the most degenerate part of The Netherlands.

The rest is still good.

why are 3rd world countries always so obsessed with us?

Because you are the autist spamming int with meme charts.

So displacement is ok as long as the foreigners are pale and secular?


>Countries that don't require you to have had a job for an extended period of time before you can get welfare
>And even then only for a short time, because it will eventually stop, forcing you to get a new job.
>How much you get is based on how much you earned at your previous job
This is why you faggots are going down

Its just 1 autist.

But thats exactly how our welfare system works, my fishy friend.

You people need to stop worrying about us, we're doing fine.

Then how the fuck are minorities in your country never working and getting welfare at the same time?

They do shit work like cleaning school toilets for a little while and then live off welfare. When they can't anymore, they repeat the process.


The only flawed thing is our "kinderbijslag" (children money). Everyone gets a certain amount of money for every child they have, so poor people and shitskins fuck like bunnies and then neglect their children who turn into thugs.

Shiiiieeeet I wanted to move to Netherlands, because of hot, really tall guys, excellent gay rights and good job opportunities

Now i'm seriously rethinking my plans for the future, because I don't want to get shanked by a bunch of Muslims walking down the street

Thanks Dutch people, you ruined your country and my life.


Good, never consider coming here again.


i stopped giving a shit about racemixing after getting a gf.

Stats seem a bit off though, looking at ois.amsterdam.nl/pdf/2015 jaarboek amsterdam in cijfers.pdf

Yellow is non-western immigrant, blue is the rest. For some reason in the 10-15 age group is majority non-white. But in the last 15 years you can actually see white people having more babies and non-whites having less babies in Amsterdam